Saturday, August 31, 2019
Organisational Behaviour †Personalities Essay
Organisation : a group of people working towards the same goal. Human Resource Management : a function in organisations designed to maximise employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organisations, focusing on policies and systems. Organisational Behaviour : studies the impact individuals, groups, and structures have on human behaviour within organisations. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication, and management. The companies which interest people do better financially. Exercise 1 – Knowing Yourself Who am I: creative, worried, thoughtful, planner, enthusiastic Personality and Individual Differences: Nature and Nurture Fixed in the short run Particularly salient in â€Å"weak†situations Organisational Personality Why is Personality needed? For recruiters to see what individual is needed for a jon To see what careers are better for us To manage employees to understand their natural capabilities and where they will find most satisfaction Personality at work: Fundamental personality traits, the Big 5: Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion – Introversion Agreeableness Neuroticism – Emotional Stability Individual Differences (Affectivity, EQ, Type A/B) Openness to Experience: OE has implications for peiple’s willingness to be original and take risks. It is essential during change, jobs involving risk, and oriented towards innovation Conscientiousness: Strong link between this and performance. Is it a limiting factor at work? Is it ever beneficial to break the rules at work? Extraversion: have a greater tendency to experience positive emotional states. They outperform introverts in managerial and sales jobs. Good for jobs involving frequent social interaction. Agreeableness: No clear research between agreeableness and performance. A low agreeableness may be an advantage in certain jobs, a higher agreeableness may be helpful for a team player. Neuroticism: Link to performance is unclear, however this is not necessarily bad. It is linked to negative affectivity. At work, they may be more critic of their own work, and may be more persistent in work. CORRELATIONS Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – the extent to which an individual understands and can relate to him/her-self and others (Goleman, 1998). The ability to recognize and regulate our own emotions The ability to recognize and influence others’ emotions Social Skill: The skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Managing relationships to move people in desirable directions. Can be developed through motivation, practice and feedback. Can only be learned with desire and concerned effort. Be in a social environment, feel comfortable.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Mental Health Project
My initial reaction to the news would be one of worry and apprehension. I know that mentally ill people may be violent in some ways and that they may wander around the community and with my young child at home, the negative scenarios would be endless. On the other hand I know that mentally ill people can also be cured and they should be given the chance to have their lives back as fully functioning members of society. With a halfway house as a neighbor, I would think that it would probably pose a threat to our way of life and the safety of my child. Its because the proximity of the center to us would disrupt our way of life for example I would not have peace of mind knowing that mentally-ill people are beside us, thus it would possibly lead to over protectiveness. I would also be overly concerned of who my child interacts with especially if the mentally-ill residents are allowed to roam the premises. I would also probably think that the neighborhood is not a safe and healthy community to raise my child. The stigma and the negative attitudes of people to the half-way house is also not far from reality and maybe as neighbors people would think of us differently also. Having a half-way house for mentally-ill people as a neighbor brings mixed emotions, fear, anxiety, pity and generally I would be upset. I would fear that the residents in the facility would harm us and especially harm my child. I would be anxious of the stress of having mentally-ill neighbors, that I might always be thinking of how they would affect our daily lives. I would also feel pity for those mentally-ill people because they do deserve a place to stay where they can get better before being institutionalized. And in all honesty, I would be upset by the fact that as a health care provider, I should not be feeling and thinking this because I know that they can do get better and I should not be too narrow minded about it. Based on my feelings and thoughts about the halfway house, I would probably wait and see whether what the conditions are in the facility is and how it impacts the community before I decide to leave the community. Since I don’t want to be consumed by my irrational thoughts about the matter and I also don’t want to risk the safety of my child, then I would try my best to be objective in the decisions that I would make. Bibliography Atkinson, R. (1998). Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology 8th ed. New York, Prentice-Hall Â
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Paper on the Market Pull and Technology Push Factors
I will be reporting on just one of 3M’s many innovative products the post-it notes. I will also highlight the market pull and technology push factors that were considered in developing the innovation. The key terms to be identified in this report are innovation, technology push, and market pull. Innovation refers both to the output and the process of arriving at a technically feasible solution to a problem triggered by a technological opportunity or customer need. Technology push describes a situation where an emerging technology or a new combination of existing technologies provide the driving force for an innovative product and problem solution in the market place. Market pull is the advancement of technology oriented primarily toward a specific market need. Post-it notes are pieces of stationery with a re-usable adhesive strip on the back, designed for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces. The release of post-it notes in 1980 in the United States was one that was not only innovative for its time but one which captured the needs of consumers in a whole new way. Post-it note became a big success for 3M and was adored by customers. The first and probably most important technology push that resulted in post-it notes is senior scientist Spencer Silver’s 1968 discovery of an adhesive that didn’t act like any others. Instead of forming a film, it is a clear, reusable and pressure-sensitive adhesive. For five years, Silver promoted his invention within 3M, both informally and through seminars, but without much success. In 1974 Art fry perceived the idea of coating the adhesive on paper. He soon realized that this technology would serve well as a note pad. 3M conducted a direct-mail program to the secretaries of CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, and got back letters from CEO’s of companies such as Chrysler and Phillip Morris telling them how much they loved this product (Post-it notes) and asking how they could get more. This was a major market pull factor as 3M now realized that this advancement in technology would satisfy a specific market need. Fry encountered serious technical problems very early. First, there was the problem of getting the adhesive to stay in place on the note instead of transferring to other surfaces. The company didn’t have coating equipment that could be precise on an imprecise backing such as paper. This resulted in further technology push as advances in the technical performance of 3M allowed for the post-it notes adhesive to be perfected as well as a manufacturing process was developed. Fry made sure that secretaries of 3M senior executives got them. Before long, their bosses were borrowing the little yellow pads. This Market pull factor illustrated the need for this innovation in the business place. In 1978 samples of numerous post-it was given out in the city of Boise. 3M discovered that more than 90 percent of the people who tried them would buy them. This market pull factor showed the general market need for this product. After success in Boise, 3M was convinced that the market potential for the yellow note was enormous and, in 1980, post-it notes were introduced nationally. The Managerial Implications * Technical and Market considerations * How to sustain new innovations * Time consumption * How to protect innovation from competitors. Recommendations Managers must take into account during problem solving within a firm, the technical and market factors in order to achieve successful management of technology. * Managers must invest time and money in research and development and other efforts to not only make improvements to commercialized technologies but to continuously endeavor to come out with new technologies/innovations. * Managers must respond to time consumption and sho rten the time it takes them to design, develop and put new innovations on the market. They must decide when to innovate, update, or replace previous technology . They must also develop methods to cope with shorter product life cycles. This can be done through continuous improvement. * Managers must protect new innovations from competitors through the use of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs. This will also result in higher profitability for the organization. Conclusion The development of post-it notes was driven both by technological push and market pull factors. These factors resulted in; the recognition of a potential problem, decision of which technologies to use, a feasible solution to the problem, and the final commercialization of the innovation. Managers must learn to cope with the implications that will face them. References http://www. innovation. lv/ino2/publications/leonardo_manual/en/www. innosupport. net/webhelp/wso/ind http://multimedia. 3m. com/mws/mediawebserver? 77777XxamfIVOWwo_Pw5_W7HYxTHfxajYv7HYv7H777777– ex. cfm@fuseactionlearnl_id4240pl_id3558. htm http://www. tu-harburg. de/tim/downloads/arbeitspapiere/Working_Paper_5. pdf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Post-it_note http://www. 3m. com/us/about3M/innovation/archive. html A Paper on the Market Pull and Technology Push Factors I will be reporting on just one of 3M’s many innovative products the post-it notes. I will also highlight the market pull and technology push factors that were considered in developing the innovation. The key terms to be identified in this report are innovation, technology push, and market pull. Innovation refers both to the output and the process of arriving at a technically feasible solution to a problem triggered by a technological opportunity or customer need. Technology push describes a situation where an emerging technology or a new combination of existing technologies provide the driving force for an innovative product and problem solution in the market place. Market pull is the advancement of technology oriented primarily toward a specific market need. Post-it notes are pieces of stationery with a re-usable adhesive strip on the back, designed for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces. The release of post-it notes in 1980 in the United States was one that was not only innovative for its time but one which captured the needs of consumers in a whole new way. Post-it note became a big success for 3M and was adored by customers. The first and probably most important technology push that resulted in post-it notes is senior scientist Spencer Silver’s 1968 discovery of an adhesive that didn’t act like any others. Instead of forming a film, it is a clear, reusable and pressure-sensitive adhesive. For five years, Silver promoted his invention within 3M, both informally and through seminars, but without much success. In 1974 Art fry perceived the idea of coating the adhesive on paper. He soon realized that this technology would serve well as a note pad. 3M conducted a direct-mail program to the secretaries of CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, and got back letters from CEO’s of companies such as Chrysler and Phillip Morris telling them how much they loved this product (Post-it notes) and asking how they could get more. This was a major market pull factor as 3M now realized that this advancement in technology would satisfy a specific market need. Fry encountered serious technical problems very early. First, there was the problem of getting the adhesive to stay in place on the note instead of transferring to other surfaces. The company didn’t have coating equipment that could be precise on an imprecise backing such as paper. This resulted in further technology push as advances in the technical performance of 3M allowed for the post-it notes adhesive to be perfected as well as a manufacturing process was developed. Fry made sure that secretaries of 3M senior executives got them. Before long, their bosses were borrowing the little yellow pads. This Market pull factor illustrated the need for this innovation in the business place. In 1978 samples of numerous post-it was given out in the city of Boise. 3M discovered that more than 90 percent of the people who tried them would buy them. This market pull factor showed the general market need for this product. After success in Boise, 3M was convinced that the market potential for the yellow note was enormous and, in 1980, post-it notes were introduced nationally. The Managerial Implications * Technical and Market considerations * How to sustain new innovations * Time consumption * How to protect innovation from competitors. Recommendations Managers must take into account during problem solving within a firm, the technical and market factors in order to achieve successful management of technology. * Managers must invest time and money in research and development and other efforts to not only make improvements to commercialized technologies but to continuously endeavor to come out with new technologies/innovations. * Managers must respond to time consumption and sho rten the time it takes them to design, develop and put new innovations on the market. They must decide when to innovate, update, or replace previous technology . They must also develop methods to cope with shorter product life cycles. This can be done through continuous improvement. * Managers must protect new innovations from competitors through the use of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs. This will also result in higher profitability for the organization. Conclusion The development of post-it notes was driven both by technological push and market pull factors. These factors resulted in; the recognition of a potential problem, decision of which technologies to use, a feasible solution to the problem, and the final commercialization of the innovation. Managers must learn to cope with the implications that will face them. References http://www. innovation. lv/ino2/publications/leonardo_manual/en/www. innosupport. net/webhelp/wso/ind http://multimedia. 3m. com/mws/mediawebserver? 77777XxamfIVOWwo_Pw5_W7HYxTHfxajYv7HYv7H777777– ex. cfm@fuseactionlearnl_id4240pl_id3558. htm http://www. tu-harburg. de/tim/downloads/arbeitspapiere/Working_Paper_5. pdf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Post-it_note http://www. 3m. com/us/about3M/innovation/archive. html
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The World of Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The World of Management - Research Paper Example The increase of corporations did present demand for additional financial information that will enable the successful undertaking of the business financial activities. The study of accounting and â€Å"book keeping†became significantly relevant in numerous learning institutions (Walker 246). The financial undertakings of the businesses had to be carefully evaluated to assist in the verification of imperative decisions. The soaring growth of the corporations necessitated the employment of accountants to enlighten the executive on the financial situation of the firm. According to Whye (165), in 1881, there was the formation of the American Association of Public Accountants (AAPA). This institution was to establish the mannerisms to portray in the undertaking of the accounting profession. In America, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AIPCA) was established (Whye 166). The ethical structures that would manage the accounting field were established in 1907. This became the guideline of the associations of the accountant to the employer and fellow workmates. This effort led to the formation of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), which would formulate accounting principles, and ethical architecture of accounting. Accounting is evolving everyday and the accounting principles are subject to various alterations that will be significant to the existing market. According to Jones (361), this will assist in delivery of comprehensive financial documents to the corporation explaining their economic standing and the financial resources viable for exploitation. This enables the management to amplify the firm’s earnings through diversification of their interests. The accounting occupation is evolving into various specialized units since the responsibilities of the accountants are advancing. Forensic accounting is one of the noteworthy
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Summarize and Analyze your Entrepreneur Interview Essay
Summarize and Analyze your Entrepreneur Interview - Essay Example Amrita belongs to Indian origin. Her father and mother are Indian. Family back ground of the interviewee is very simple and she belongs to a simple Indian family which has migrated from India to USA. The interviewee is also a UX Research associate in User experience centre of Bentley University. Amrita is significantly passionate towards the various extra curriculum activities like playing Cricket, Tennis and reading books and travelling. She is extremely passionate about the lean start up methodology and she has managed it well enough. She is a graduate of Women’s leadership organization. The interviewer has identified her with the help of LinkedIn. All the above information is indicating that background of the entrepreneur is very much simple and she had to start her business from the scratch. But the interviewee has suitable educational background and working experience to come up with new business. Opportunity identification is a fundamental requirement for any entrepreneur. Amrita was travelling from India to USA. She was travelling to attend her high school reunion in USA. She was properly dressed up and she had her dresses in her bags also. But during that trip to reunion party she was missing shoes. She was thinking to borrow it from someone. But unfortunately she had to spend her money to purchase new shoes. At that point of time shoes were not at all required for the interviewee. But as there was no other choice to her, she had to buy it. So opportunity identification was significantly real-time and practical in nature. In this case, situation guided Amrita towards the opportunity. Opportunity identification was very much specific in nature and it helped the interviewee to come up with a successful idea. Here in this case also the interviewee identified the opportunity suitably. Here in this case one thing is crystal clear that opportunities are everywhere. But proper
Monday, August 26, 2019
International trade law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International trade law - Essay Example The rules regulating this kind of free enterprise while it purports to be equitable is fraught by many democratic obstacles posing a viable threat to its host governments’ sovereignty.2 This section of the dissertation will offer a background review of the key provisions of the GATS. The Agreement makes provision for four modes of supply with respect to delivery of services across international borders. The four modes are: 1) Cross-border supplies as in from one member state to another; 2) Consumption abroad which encapsulates the delivery of services into the territory of one member state from another member state’s territory. The delivery’s final destination is to a consumer the territory receiving the delivery; 3) This mode of supply is accomplished through the establishing and maintaining of a commercial presence within the territory of the member state; and 4) The fourth mode of supply is maintained through the presence of a natural person.3 In this part of the dissertation will offer a detailed discussion of the aim and design of GATS. It will examine the underlying policies with particular emphasis on the three modes of supply and delivery of services. It will detail the general obligations of the member states as well as specific commitments. Each of these aspects will be examined by reference to the provisions contained in the GATS. 4 Particular emphasis will be placed on the goals and definitions expressed in the GATS document. Articles I-X will be the primary focus in this section but with particular emphasis on Article V which provides as follows: ‘1.       This Agreement shall not prevent any of its Members from being a party to or entering into an agreement liberalizing trade in services between or among the parties to such an agreement, provided that such an agreement: (b)       provides for the absence or
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The improvement of teaching and learning through technology by blended Dissertation
The improvement of teaching and learning through technology by blended learning in secondary schools - Dissertation Example Both students and teachers are used to a certain format of teaching and learning and too abrupt a change may lead to resistance from both. This resistance could reduce the effectiveness of the new learning process. In such a situation, blended learning is helpful as it contains a mix of the traditional and new approaches. Blending provides a stable transition of familiar and new features. The most efficient teaching method is a blended approach which combines technology with face-to-face learning. Technology would support the traditional education rather than threatening its existence. Education technology is expected to supplement and complement the traditional education methods and not replace them. It is supposed to make work easier for the staff and students thereby enhancing the process of teaching and learning. Blend needs to retain a certain conservative element, which could hinder progress over time. Periodic evaluation is thus essential. Teachers have the opportunity to indi vidualize instructions at all levels and for all students. The weaker students receive encouragement and motivation and they have been known to improve their performance.
United Methodist Church Doctrine on Homosexuality Research Paper
United Methodist Church Doctrine on Homosexuality - Research Paper Example Accordingly, the manner by which the church as been called to weigh in on moral and ethical issues that relate to the modern era has been profound as society has grown and evolved over the centuries. A single and intractable stance is not only not realistic, it presents a stoic entity that is unable and/or unwilling to deeply analyze the trends and needs of current society and seek to reconcile them in the light of Christian doctrine. For purposes of this brief analysis, the author will seek to consider whether or not the United Methodist Church should broaden and expand the manner by which doctrinal factors define the relationship between Christian beliefs and whether or not homosexuality should be permissible or not. Whereas it is true that a literalist approach to the issue from a scriptural standpoint lends on to only one conclusion concerning homosexuality, the same cannot be said with respect to a contextual understanding of the practice of homosexuality within scripture. Due t o the fact that either of these approaches necessarily yields a foregone conclusion, this particular response will seek to engage the reader by taking a mixed methods approach; thereby leveraging the strengths of a literalist approach as well as the strength and determinacy of a contextualist approach to scripture. As it stands, the current doctrine specifies that the church is accepting of homosexuals; however, a more nebulous interpretation of the â€Å"sinful†nature of homosexuality exists. Moreover, ministers are prohibited from marrying individuals of the same sex. Due to the fact that the United Methodist church places scripture at the core of its understanding and teaching with regards to the importance of developing and maintaining a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ and seeking to the individual for salvation, a scriptural approach to the issue is the only approach that would be both relevant and necessary to seek to answer the question at hand. From an interpretation of Scripture, there are approximately 5-8 verses (depending upon the means that are employed to count these) that deal specifically with homosexuality and deem it as â€Å"unift†or an â€Å"abomination†in the eyes of God. Not surprisingly, most of these texts, and/or references as noted above, are found within the Old Testament. Whereas it is not the view of the United Methodist Church that the Old Testament is merely a fanciful story book that has little if any current day application, the fact of the matter is that a great majority of the Levitical laws cannot and should not be meant to apply to the current time. One might just as easily consider the Levitcal injunction against a woman aiding her husband if he is in mortal combat with another.1 By the same token, one could point to the way that Levitical law promotes an understanding that the female gender is somehow during their period. Naturally, although some of these may seem as somewhat comical during the current time, if a particular church or group of believers sought to take these directives literally, then truly a miserable interpretation of the love of God as exhibited elsewhere throughout the Bible must necessarily be reflected. By very much the same token, one can and should integrate with an appreciation for the way in which slavery is represented throughout the Bible, in total, there are over 100 texts concerning the legality and rules overseeing slavery as an accepted and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Eng 1010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Eng 1010 - Essay Example In addition, it has superior display and graphics as compared to other phones in the market. The display options it provides are quite exciting because they provide the feel of using a computer, rather than just a phone. Its 6 Plus 5.5-inch monitor with high-resolution Retina HD display is remarkable, in addition to its protective capabilities. Apart from that, the iPhone has fast internet connectivity, which is convenient for intense web browsing and email applications. Excellent internet, coupled with a Dual-core 1.4 GHz Cyclone (ARM v8-based) processor, makes multitasking easy. IPhone 6 is undoubtedly a badly efficient and exceedingly powerful phone device whose stylish nature appeals to a great (but wealthy) section of the populace. Despite its advantages, the iPhone presents several imperfections, just like any other hi-tech device. Its main shortcoming is that it is considerably costly as compared to its competitors. Even so, its prestige lies on its expensive nature, so that only a few people can afford it and have boasting rights. In addition, its internal memory is non-expandable, and this means that an iPhone user can only use downloads that are originally available on the gadget. I dislike it because I am limited to downloading music from its music stores, rather than transferring my own music and movies. Its other notable disadvantages include the inability to remove its Li-Po battery for charging, and its lack of water resistance. Considering the iPhone 6 lacks some features that android phones have, it is still not a superior phone globally. In addition, considering there are phones such as Samsung Galaxy S5 that are certified as waterproof, the iPhone 6 is still at a disadvantage. Owing to its impressive features and prestige values, the iPhone is worth its price. As long as one can afford it, then it is worth the price. It is not advisable if an overzealous person has to save money to purchase one, merely to impress
Friday, August 23, 2019
Analyze 4 Photojournalism Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyze 4 Photojournalism Works - Essay Example The picture’s most powerful concept is the wooden structure within which the person life is contained. A picture speaking a thousand words for a life of an individual. The photojournalism technique used in this is on creating the bigger portfolio depending on the different stages for the person. The other pictures follow the above shown person as happy, living in decency, and making only the optimal use of his life. Not creating major things he couldn’t protect, couldn’t make or waste his energy in making. The simple comprehensive base is set, the best friends are loyal (dogs) and continuity is on the go. The picture then depicts the adoption of simplicity in life rather than making it boggled down by creating tough events while a person can be easily happy with a limited amount of what he/she can have. The harsh reality of life is poverty. Millions and billions of people die every day due to lack of food. People such as shown above try everyday to find food, something that can provide taste to their buds to have them sleep at night. The nights for them then are very painful with only the survival to look forward to. The picture is very powerful showing a homeless man trying to find something to drink from KFS’s thrown garbage drink cups. The problems of a homeless is then very much concentrated toward just being able to survive with something in the stomach. This is because nobody trusts them, nobody hires them and nobody can help them. People don’t want to see them in pain but being scared to help them as they might remember and ask for more favors is what scared people to take the first step. The photographer is then trying to interpret that in such a harsh condition where even drinking is being such a problem, the homeless face pleads for help, nurture and care. The interpretation of the photo is through the eyes of the photographer, taking the point of the view from within the trash can. Emphasising on the phenomena of luck in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Education-Strategy Essay Example for Free
Education-Strategy Essay It is a common knowledge in human development that individuals have stark differences especially in their cognitive capacities and behavioral attributes. Education was then established to somehow reconcile this individual diversity hence it is a must for teachers to allot substantial amount of their time to prepare and assess instructional approach and materials that they will employ in classes of heterogeneous populace of students. To effectively facilitate the learning outcomes of students, teachers at every level should map out their objectives for the specified topic of each instructional period. Teachers usually have different strategies in preparing a lesson; some create detailed and meticulously encoded charts while other teachers plainly scrawl down the notes for a particular topic at a discarded piece of pad. Strategies in planning for an instructional approach are immaterial because the most important endeavor is for the teacher to execute wise decisions about the feasibility of their instructional technique to the successful attainment of learner goals. Furthermore, it is an educational requirement that teachers should be well-equipped of the knowledge that they are teaching because specialization of a particular subject matter effectually bolsters the realization of an educator’s designed objective for the improvement of students’ cognitive competence. First and foremost, before a teacher could outline relevant topics for a subject matter and its corresponding intent the teacher must conduct a pre-assessment of the students’ capacity and skills in a class that is needed to be handled; it can be in a form of a diagnostic test or conversational question-and-answer approach. The teacher ideally should not carry out an impersonal treatment to the students since they are not basically identical in aptitude and manners. After carefully assessing the individual needs of the students a teacher then must enterprise in designing a lesson plan that is precisely appropriate for the learners’ demand. In delivering carefully prepared instructional scheme, a teacher must keep in mind the unavoidable nuisance that may hinder the proper execution of the lessons’ objectives. In addressing this kind of problem in the classroom, teachers should make use of rewards and punishments to further reinforce the need to conquer irresponsible learning behaviors and the encouragement of receptiveness to knowledge enhancement. At the end of a specified topic’s timeframe, the teacher then is expected to administer a check-up test. In doing so, a teacher must be aware of the following criteria in designing a test questionnaire; the test must coincide with the intended learning objectives; the test questions should accurately recount the information taught; the test items must quantify relevant ideas and not those that are insignificant; the test items must be able to assess the composite behaviors, the practical abilities or principles-application of the students and not just simply reckoning memory skills; and lastly, the test questionnaire must be clear and simple to avoid confusion. The test should not be purely objective because it cannot measure the reasoning abilities of students. Provide spaces in the test papers that will measure the subjectivity level and argumentative skills of the students. Commonplace negative feedbacks occur every after a test exam is successfully completed. Normal setbacks such as large percentages of failing students occur that extremely pressures teachers because of strict adherence to the set timeframe of lesson plans. In cases of unforeseen problems like this, a teacher must devote time to communicate with the students to inquire the difficulties they have encountered in the entire instructional program. Subsequently, after the appraisal of the factors contributing to the failure of a large portion of students in the examination, the teacher may form study groups that will be evenly comprised of both astute and slow-learners. The teacher then must monitor that the study groups discuss or brainstorm about the previous topics while a new one is being elicited. Afterwards, the teacher may administer another test to evaluate the success of the remedial approach. Works Cited Center for Teaching and Learning. Brigham Young University http://ctl. byu. edu/? page_id=343 Ten Must-Know Facts About Educational Testing. PTA: Every Child, One Voice, 2000-2008 http://www. pta. org/archive_article_details_1117837372328. html
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Article Analysis of Gasoline Consumption Essay Example for Free
Article Analysis of Gasoline Consumption Essay Gasoline is one of the most demanded resources that Americans count on to get us from point A to point B in our vehicles, and it is also used to help us heat our homes. Ethanol with gasoline can be combined for a blended gasoline, which is better for some vehicles. The following information is from two articles appropriate for this topic. In the first article, â€Å"Trends in U.S. Gasoline and Ethanol Use, and Petroleum Production and Imports†by Dr. Robert Wisner, a Biofuels Economist with the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, states that â€Å"Several decades ago, the U.S. was a net exporter of petroleum products. However, that picture has changed dramatically in recent years as gasoline consumption trended upward and environmental constraints on new wells plus declining production from existing wells failed to keep pace with rising domestic demand. U.S. energy policies in the early 1990s were altered to encourage increased production of biofuels, in part because of a desire to reduce the nation’s dependence on imported oil†(Wisner, 2011). The demand for gasoline and oil is unbelievable. Some observers suggest that oil company collusion, anticompetitive mergers, or other anticompetitive conduct (not market forces) may be the primary cause of higher gasoline prices. If the market price of gasoline is higher than the equilibrium price, a negative slope in the demand and curve will result. The negative slope of the demand curve for buyers will mean that the quantity demanded will be less than the equilibrium quantity. A positive slope of the supply curve for sellers will mean that the quantity supplied will be greater than the equilibrium quantity; hence the quantity supplied will be greater than the quantity demanded. If the market price of gasoline is below the equilibrium price will result in a negative slope and if that happens, the demand curve ensures that there will be a greater quantity demanded than at the equilibrium price. A positive slope of the supply curve ensures that there will be a smaller quantity supplied than at the equilibrium price. Hence the quantity demanded will exceed the quantity supplied. This excess demand will force consumers to spend more time looking for sellers who have the goods available, and to spend more time waiting in line if they do find a seller with the good. These search costs and queuing costs will lead some consumers to offer more for the good, and hence the price will tend to rise. Dr. Wisner also states in the article that â€Å"future trends in the nation’s use of these fuels will depend on a number of factors including the health of the economy and employment levels, automotive technology, the rate at which consumers accept hybrid automobiles, and the possibility of a sharp increase in government-mandated fleet average fuel mileage requirements in the years ahead that has recently been advocated by administration officials. Blending of ethanol with gasoline is mandated to increase sharply in the 2012-2022 period†(Wisner, 2011). Price elasticity of demand is elastic when the percent change in demands is greater than the percent change in price. Inelastic is the opposite. So, I would have to say that gasoline is inelastic because the demand for gas is high and even though prices are rising, people are still buying gas, just not as much as they want to purchase. If there are substitutes (such as electricity or liquid fuel) for a gasoline usually will be elastic. If there are no substitutes it will be inelastic because it is a necessity. I know that no one is happy about gas prices rising, but everyone sure does get excited when the prices drop. When the price of gas increases, consumers will not purchase as much of the product as they would when prices decrease. In the second article, â€Å"Explaining the variation in elasticity estimates of gasoline demand in the United States: A meta-analysis†by Molly Espey, published in Energy Journal; states that Espey examined 101 different studies and found that in the short-run (defined as one year or less), the average price-elasticity of demand for gasoline is -0.26. That is, a 10 percent hike in the price of gasoline lowers quantity demanded by 2.6 percent. In the long-run (defined as longer than one year), the price elasticity of demand is -0.58; a 10 percent hike in gasoline causes quantity demanded to decline by 5.8 percent in the long run. In conclusion, if the price of gasoline continues to rise, there will be a decrease in the demand of the product. If the price decreases, there will be an increase in the demand of the product. When prices are high, demand is low and when prices are low, demand is high. The prices of gasoline will fluctuate because demand is always high. References: l-use-and-petroleum-production-and-imports
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Examining The Blood Disorder Of Haemophilia Biology Essay
Examining The Blood Disorder Of Haemophilia Biology Essay Haemophilia, or hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly. Known as a rare disease to individuals, Haemophilia has two main inheritable types, Haemophilia and Haemophilia B. Haemophilia is due in part to defective blood vessels, coagulation mechanisms or blood platelets. An affected individual may bleed spontaneously or for longer than a healthy person after injury or surgery. The paper will discuss in detail and in parts what exactly these diseases are, who suffers from them, what causes them, characteristic traits, statistics, locations , what are symptoms and treatments , research on the subject as well the social impact of these diseases. Many of those who suffer from these diseases have many changes and things they must do so they will not die from the complications of their diseases. The paper uses much information from many distinguished sources and cites them at the end of the paper. The paper also uses diagrams to help show how the genetics of passing down the defective genes. What is Haemophilia ? Hemophilia is a group of inherited blood disorders in which the blood does not clot properly. Known as a rare disease Bleeding disorders are due in part to defectsive blood vessels, coagulation mechanisms or blood platelets. An affected individual may bleed spontaneously or for longer than a healthy person after injury or surgery. The blood coagulation mechanism is a process which transforms the blood from a liquid into a solid, and involves several different clotting factors. The mechanism generates fibrin when it is activated, which together with the platelet plug, stops the bleeding. When coagulation factors are missing or deficient the blood does not clot properly and bleeding continues. Hemophilia can be divided into two major types: hemophilia A or hemophilia B. 9 out of 10 people who have hemophilia will have type A hemophilia which means the body is missing or has low levels of clotting factor 8. If the person has type B, then they are missing or have low levels of clotting f actor 9. In addition, hemophilia is usually genetically acquired but some can develop hemophilia during their lifetime. This can happen if the body forms to the clotting factors in your bloodstream. The antibodies can prevent the clotting factors from working. What causes haemophilia ? Haemophilia is caused by a malfunction in the X chromosome. To most recessive sex-linked, X chromosome disorders, haemophilia is more likely to occur in males rather than females. This is because females have two X chromosomes while males have only one, lacking a back up copy for the defective gene; meaning, the defective gene is guaranteed to manifest in any male who carries it. Because females have two X chromosomes and because haemophilia is rare, the chance of a female having two defective copies of the gene is very low, thus females are almost exclusively asymptomatic carriers of the disorder. Female carriers may inherit the defective gene from either their mother, father, or it may be a new mutation. Only under rare circumstances do females actually have haemophilia. (Center for Disease Control) Who suffers from Haemophilia Females possess two X-chromosomes, males have one X and one Y chromosome. Since the mutations causing the disease are recessive, a woman carrying the defect on one of her X-chromosomes may not be affected by it, as the equivalent allele on her other chromosome should express itself to produce the necessary clotting factors. However, the Y-chromosome in men has no gene for factors VIII or IX. If the genes responsible for production of factor VIII or factor IX present on a males X-chromosome are deficient there is no equivalent on the Y-chromosome, so the deficient gene is not masked by the dominant allele and he will develop the illness. Since a male receives his single X-chromosome from his mother, the son of a healthy female silently carrying the deficient gene will have a 50% chance of inheriting that gene from her and with it the disease; and if his mother is affected with haemophilia, he will have a 100% chance of being a haemophiliac. While, for a female to inherit the disease, she must receive two deficient X-chromosomes, one from her mother and the other from her father (who must therefore be a haemophiliac himself). Hence haemophilia is far more common among males than females. However, it is possible for female carriers to become mild haemophiliacs due to inactivation of the X chromosomes. Haemophiliac daughters are more common than they once were, as improved treatments for the disease have allowed more haemophiliac males to survive to adulthood and become parents. Adult females may experience heavy periods due to the bleeding tendency. The pattern of inheritance is criss-cross type. This type of pattern i s also seen in colour blindness. A mother who is a carrier has a 50% chance of passing the faulty X chromosome to her daughter, while an affected father will always pass on the affected gene to his daughters. A son cannot inherit the defective gene from his father. As with all genetic disorders, it is of course also possible for a human to acquire it spontaneously through mutation, rather than inheriting it, because of a new mutation in one of their parents gametes. Spontaneous mutations account for about 33% of all cases of haemophilia A. About 30% of cases of haemophilia B are the result of a spontaneous gene mutation. Demographics/Location Haemophiliacsa re primarily male although there are a rare instances of femleas having it too. The disease it self does have any numbers to any particular ethnicity but Haemophilia was featured prominently in European royalty and thus is sometimes known as the royal disease. Queen Victoria passed the mutation to her son Leopold and, through several of her daughters, to various royals across the continent, including the royal families of Spain, Germany, and Russia. In Russia, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, son of Nicholas II, was a descendant of Queen Victoria through his mother Empress Alexandra and suffered from haemophilia. Statistics Annual incidence of haemophilia is estimated at 1/5,000 male births and the prevalence is estimated at 1/12,000. About 400 babies are born with hemophilia each year. The exact number of people living with hemophilia in the United States is not knownbut the current estimate is about 20,000. In the United States, most people with hemophilia are diagnosed at a very young age. What Symptoms are shown? The major signs and symptoms of hemophilia are excessive bleeding and easy bruising. Bleeding can occur on externally or internally. Signs of excessive external bleeding include: bleeding in the mouth from a cut or bite or from cutting or losing a tooth, nosebleeds, heavy bleeding from a minor cut, bleeding from a cut that resumes after stopping for a short time. Signs of internal bleeding include blood in the urine (from bleeding in the kidneys or bladder) and blood in the stool (from bleeding in the intestines or stomach). Internal bleeding in the brain is a very serious complication of hemophilia that can happen after a simple bump on the head or a more serious injury. Many serious complications can also arise from bleeding into various body systems. Hemarthrosis is a bleeding into joint spaces and may be prevalent to those with a more serius from of the disease. How is it Diagnosed? Genetic testing and genetic counselling is recommended for families with haemophilia. Prenatal testing, such as amniocentesis, is available to pregnant women who may be carriers of the condition. Based on CDC data, the median age at diagnosis is 36 months for people with mild hemophilia, 8 months for those with moderate hemophilia, and 1 month for those with severe hemophilia. In about two thirds of cases, there is a family history of hemophilia. The diagnosis of hemophilia is made using a special blood test and most babies can be tested soon after birth. Sometimes prenatal genetic testing is done to diagnose hemophilia before birth. Research With the severe problems that arise with Haemophilia, numerous doctors are currently working to find a cure to treat this disease. One research study that may help to understand and find a cure dealt with Inhibitors in mild/moderate haemophilia A. Haemophilia A is caused by a deficiency of factor (F) VIII. Therapy is based on the replacement of FVIII to haemostatically adequate levels for the prevention or treatment of bleeds. Inhibitors neutralising the haemostatic effects of FVIII have been recognised as a complication of haemophilia since the introduction of replacement therapy. In MMHA, they occur later in life than in severe haemophilia and are generally associated with a change in bleeding pattern. Many of these patients experience severe spontaneous bleeding in joints and muscles Two cases were studied , patient 1 and patient 2. In the first , the patient was given drugs that prevented the formation of inhibitors and allowed the factor to prevail. In patient 2 , the patient re ceived a different treatment and still getting that treatment ot prevent inhibitors from forming. In the second the patient did not get the same type of treatment and thus still suffered from bleeding. A range of therapeutic options to eradicate the inhibitor is currently available and a variety of treatments can also be used to treat the bleeding episodes. However, the optimal treatment regimen for the eradication of inhibitors in MMHA and for the treatment of bleeding episodes have yet to be established. Social Impact Many think people with hemophilia cannot live a normal life, which is not true. In order for people with hemophilia to live normal lives, they must take steps to prevent bleeding problems. The first step they do is to get in contact with the federal government about finding a hemophilia treatment center. This center will provide resources for families and people affected by hemophilia. Precautions one can take to avoid complications is to follow your treatment plan exactly, get regular checkups and vaccinations, and tell all of your health care providers that you have hemophilia, get regular dental care, and know the signs and symptoms of bleeding in joints and other parts of the body. People who have mild hemophilia can take part in a variety of activities. Those who have severe hemophilia should avoid contact sports and other activities that are likely to lead to injuries that could cause bleeding. Physical therapists at Hemophilia Treatment Centers can develop exercise programs tailored to your needs and teach you how to exercise safely. Its usually not safe for people who have bleeding problems to participate in contact sports, such as football, hockey, and wrestling and thus they should exercise extreme caution.. To prevent bleeding, one may be able to take clotting factors prior to exercise or a sporting event. Patients with hemophilia should avoid medicines that increase the risk of bleeding like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and should go to a doctort if there is bruising or tingling in their joints as this may cause them to bleed internally.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Free Admissions Essay - From Farming to Medicine :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
Admissions Essay - From Farming to Medicine  I heard the familiar sound of the back door closing gently. My father was returning from driving his dirty, green John Deere tractor in one of our fields. Although he begins his day at 5:00 a.m. every morning, he usually returns at around 7:00 p.m. I never really questioned his schedule when I was a child, but as I entered high school I wondered how my dad could work so hard every day of the week and still enjoy what he does. He works long hours, becomes filthy from dirt, oil, and mud, and worst of all, can watch all his hard work go to waste if one day of bad weather wipes out our crop. There have been many years when our raisins were rained on, our cherries were hailed on and our apples were literally baked by the sun. The uncertainties of farming are so great and so challenging. It never ceases to amaze me when my father wakes up every morning to start work, that he does so with gusto. The life of a farmer can be laborious and stressful, yet my father continues to do his work with passionate enthusiasm. His dedication and pride mystified me throughout high school. Only after I entered Big U, did I start to understand how he can persevere and face the challenges of farming.  I entered Big U like a small child wandering through a park. Never in my life had I been exposed to anything so grandiose and dominating. Born and raised in a rural town of 3000 people, I wasn't ready for the fast-paced life and crowds of Chicago. I eventually grew into its lifestyle and learned to adapt to my new environment. I found my bio-ethics class, in which we discussed major issues in health care, especially interesting. The physician's dilemma particularly intrigued me: Doing everything to provide the best health care possible, but constrained by limited resources when the funds just are not available.  These frustrating situations place a huge strain on physicians, and yet they persevere and continue to work long hours in hospitals, clinics and HMOs providing the best care they can.* While thoroughly aware of the long hours a physician must work and the challenges he or she faces, I am choosing medicine because of the unique satisfaction it provides - the rewards of helping a sick human being.
Polar Bears :: essays papers
Polar Bears â€Å"Saving the White Beast†The Polar Bear males can measure up to nine feet long, and can weigh 770-1430 lbs. The fur of the Polar Bear covers their entire body except their nose and pads of their feet. The Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) is the largest living carnivore on the planet earth. (National Parks Service). The polar bear lives in a small place on the top of the globe called the Arctic Circle. At an average the polar bears have about five million square miles of living space. The Polar ears have gotten close to 150 ft. from the North Pole. (WWF 1). These white creatures do not hibernate in the winter like other bears, instead they hunt. The bears main diet is the ringed and bearded seal. These bears have a great sense of smell. They can smell seals kilometers away, and detect one under three feet of snow. This helps them find the food they need during winter months when the seals migrate south to get warm. The bears are patient when it comes to food. They need two kilograms of fat a day to survive. A seal can provide five days worth of food. If the bears are starving they eat the whole seal; otherwise, they just eat the blubber and entrails for protein (National Parks Service). The bears live in Canada or above. They rarely go below Canada since it is too warm there. The giant bears have thick white fur, which helps the bear survive the cold, and it has a thick layer of blubber all around its body where it stores up food when needed. They can go with out food for 2 weeks if necessary (Larsen 7). Their fur is what helps retain the heat inside their bodies. The fur looks white but it is actually clear colored. The sun shines through the clear fur to the bear’s black skin, which absorbs the heat and retains it. Actually it does such a good job that the bears have to jump in icy water, and even roll in the snow to cool off. Fredtjoj Nansen gives this description of the polar bear, â€Å"Elegant body, big neck, small head, and short ears give it a ferocious look†(6). When its time for the bears to reproduce, the male approaches the female. The males have many mates in their lifetime. When the females are pregnant, they dig a den in which they stay until after pregnancy for a while with the bears can survive the cold.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Virgils Aeneid as Roman Propaganda Essay example -- Aeneid Essays
Virgil's Aeneid as Roman Propaganda  Rome was experiencing a great deal of internal turmoil during the period when Virgil wrote the Aeneid. There was somewhat of an identity crisis in Rome as it had no definitive leader, or history. With the ascension of Augustus to the throne, Rome was unified again. Still, it had no great book. The Greeks had their Odyssey, giving them a sense of history and of continuity through time. A commonly held view is that the Aeneid attempts to provide the Romans with this sense of continuity or roots. There is a great deal of textual evidence to support this interpretation. Virgil makes numerous references to the greatness of Rome through "ancient" prophecies. Clearly, the entire poem is an account of the founders of Rome. In some sense, this does make the Aeneid seem as a piece of propaganda. However, upon closer examination, there is another idea that Virgil presents. War is painted as a vicious and bloody, not some glorious event. The image of war condemns the concept of Rome as the all-p owerful conqueror of other nations. Not only that, but the strong emphasis on duty is frequently mocked. These underlying ideas would seem to run contrary to the theory that Virgil was simply producing a synthesized history of ancient Romans. In order to determine the true intent of the Aeneid, it is important that both ideas presented be examined. "I sing of warfare and a man at war†¦Till he could found a city†¦the high walls of Rome." (Book I, 1-12) There can be no dispute that the Aeneid is an account of the history of Rome. There are several items which with Virgil links the story of Aeneas to the Rome of his time period. Probably the most obvious of these is the surplus of predictions concerning Rome’... ...many readers today still are). No one can be entirely sure of Virgil’s true intent in writing the Aeneid. Perhaps he meant it as a glorification of Rome that had some discrepancies in it. Perhaps he meant it as an attack upon the character of Rome with some inconsistencies. Either way, it does not work well. Whatever Virgil’s argument, he compromises it by playing up the opposite argument. If Virgil meant to attack Rome, he failed in some respects. Likewise, if he meant the Aeneid to be a work of Roman propaganda, he was ineffective. Works Cited and Consulted Horsfall, Nicholas, ed. A Companion to the Study of Virgil. Leiden, New York, and Kà ¶ln: E. J. Brill, 1995. Putnam, Michael C. J. â€Å"Anger, Blindness, and Insight in Virgil's Aeneid.†Apeiron 23 (1990): 7-40. Virgil. Aeneid. Dover Thrift Edition. Trans. Charles J. Billson. New York: Dover, 1995. Virgil's Aeneid as Roman Propaganda Essay example -- Aeneid Essays Virgil's Aeneid as Roman Propaganda  Rome was experiencing a great deal of internal turmoil during the period when Virgil wrote the Aeneid. There was somewhat of an identity crisis in Rome as it had no definitive leader, or history. With the ascension of Augustus to the throne, Rome was unified again. Still, it had no great book. The Greeks had their Odyssey, giving them a sense of history and of continuity through time. A commonly held view is that the Aeneid attempts to provide the Romans with this sense of continuity or roots. There is a great deal of textual evidence to support this interpretation. Virgil makes numerous references to the greatness of Rome through "ancient" prophecies. Clearly, the entire poem is an account of the founders of Rome. In some sense, this does make the Aeneid seem as a piece of propaganda. However, upon closer examination, there is another idea that Virgil presents. War is painted as a vicious and bloody, not some glorious event. The image of war condemns the concept of Rome as the all-p owerful conqueror of other nations. Not only that, but the strong emphasis on duty is frequently mocked. These underlying ideas would seem to run contrary to the theory that Virgil was simply producing a synthesized history of ancient Romans. In order to determine the true intent of the Aeneid, it is important that both ideas presented be examined. "I sing of warfare and a man at war†¦Till he could found a city†¦the high walls of Rome." (Book I, 1-12) There can be no dispute that the Aeneid is an account of the history of Rome. There are several items which with Virgil links the story of Aeneas to the Rome of his time period. Probably the most obvious of these is the surplus of predictions concerning Rome’... ...many readers today still are). No one can be entirely sure of Virgil’s true intent in writing the Aeneid. Perhaps he meant it as a glorification of Rome that had some discrepancies in it. Perhaps he meant it as an attack upon the character of Rome with some inconsistencies. Either way, it does not work well. Whatever Virgil’s argument, he compromises it by playing up the opposite argument. If Virgil meant to attack Rome, he failed in some respects. Likewise, if he meant the Aeneid to be a work of Roman propaganda, he was ineffective. Works Cited and Consulted Horsfall, Nicholas, ed. A Companion to the Study of Virgil. Leiden, New York, and Kà ¶ln: E. J. Brill, 1995. Putnam, Michael C. J. â€Å"Anger, Blindness, and Insight in Virgil's Aeneid.†Apeiron 23 (1990): 7-40. Virgil. Aeneid. Dover Thrift Edition. Trans. Charles J. Billson. New York: Dover, 1995.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Unmistakably Racist
Miami is a state of America and so thus Michigan. These two states are both progressive like any other states in America. But when one tackles about the racism that is happening in those two states, there are some things that are surprisingly odd.After reading the article written by William Booth entitled â€Å"A White Migration North from Miami,†I easily got the gist of the article which says â€Å"There is a racism that is happening in Miami.†And from that very point of the fact that racism is present there, Michigan is no doubt a good comparison with that of Miami.On my own understanding of racism, I define it as a discrimination of a superior race over the inferior ones. In the article of Booth, he cited many instances wherein the Americans feel that they are being discriminated because of the fact that their population is clearly a minority in the state.It seems that wherever they go, even in malls, food chains or government institutions, the people are Spanish s peakers. They really feel that the place is not theirs anymore because of the massive invasion of the Spanish speaking people. To make the racism clear enough, I want to conclude from what Booth says in the article, that whoever holds the most population, they are the ones who are more likely rule the place just like what happened in Miami.It is true that there is a reverse racism in Miami. Americans usually think that they are the superior race. But in the case of Miami, Spanish speaking people become the superior class because of their increasing numbers. In Michigan, Americans still reign the seat of superior class.Tracing back the history, the White Americans were discriminating the Black Americans. One good example of it was the way the students were treated. According to Zbrozek of The Daily Michigan, blacks, unlike the whites, were not allowed to attend dance classes and to use swimming pools.He also said that blacks were also not enjoying the rights of white students to join political activities in school. The discrimination of whites towards the blacks is very evident.Nowadays, there was still some racism that is happening in Michigan but not that bad like before just like what Monique Luse said because as what Isaac Curtis in the article written by Jeff Barr that a good man is no doubt a good man no matter what his color and race. And Black Americans have already proven their worth in the society.I think my point is now clear enough. Booth is right. The majority wins over the minority and in this case, it is not an exemption. Are you the one who is discriminating someone or the one who is being discriminated? If you are the racist one, have you ever wondered if discriminating people are good habit to do?What if you go to a place where you and your class are being discriminated because of the apparent fact that you are a minority group of people in that particular place? Do you think you will feel good? Come to think of it as early as now. You wil l never know what will be the twist of fate do unto you.Works CitedBooth, William. A White Migration North from Miami. The World is a Text.Sliverman , Jonathan. Rader, Dean. 9 November 1998. Washington Post Staff Writer.  28 June 2008.<>Zbrozek, Chris. Confronting the racism in Michigan’s history. The Michigan Daily.11 April   2007.Barr, Jeff. Society taught lessons of racism. Michigan News. 14 February 2008. Luse, Monique. Telephone Interview. 2 January 2002. Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
My First Day In The US Essay
As I remember it, the first day that I came to U.S. was June 26, 2006. My first day in U.S. was both exciting and upsetting, I was exciting about was seeing my mom for the first time over a year, the upsetting part is I had to leave my good memories in my hometown. I had to left all of that behind friends, family and schools. However, life moves on, things need to be done. When I got out of the terminal in LAX, I saw the smile on my mother’s face that was the happiest smile I hadn’t seen in a long time. She waved at me and she was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. As we were walking towards the car in the parking lot, she asked me â€Å"how do you feel, are you happy to be here?†Then I answered â€Å"the weather is pretty good and the people seem nice.†As we headed to dinner from LAX, I noticed there are a lot of open roads in California that are well taken care of, and people tend to drive a lot faster here in California than in China. I said to my mom, â€Å"The roads here seems to be in better condition then in China.†My mom answered â€Å"Well, yes, the road construction in the United States has a higher quality than China, however, it takes more time to complete Highways here. Normally, in the United States it takes around 4-5 years to build a bridge. In China, as you know, it only take one year or two years tops, which that might be the reason why the roads here are a better quality than in China.†As we went along, I also noticed California drivers tend to be more aggressive than Chinese drivers, often changing lanes without using their turn signals. Californians also tend to drive a lot faster than those in China, might be because the roads are in better conditions. It only took us about an hour to the restaurant where we had dinner. It was called â€Å"The Hat†, in Victoria Gardens. I noticed along the road parking patterns in the United States are much more regulated. People in China park either way and either direction on the road, while people in United States park based on the direction of the road (i.e. if someone is driving on the right side of the road they just park on the right side of the curb). Inside the diner, we ordered a pastrami dip sandwich, and a tuna sandwich. They were both was tasty. The chili cheese fries were enormous. We didn’t even finish it all, but I loved â€Å"The Hat†from that moment on. However, as we waiting for the food, I saw on the menu, almost all the food is stylized around individual servings. Such as steak sandwich , french fries, pastrami dip sandwiches and soups. They are all served as separate courses (appetizers, main course, etc). Back in China, in my mind, I thought all of the food from every â€Å"individual†course is served together. As we were eating, I looked at the kitchen where they are making sandwiches, it seems that the kitchens of American style food are more peaceful. People tend to buy only things like lumps of fish that can’t be distinguished from other fish without a label or crabs that may have already been boiled. All you have to do is put them into the oven or the pan and cook them. In China, however, the kitchens seem very violent and active. All of the chicken, duck and fish are freshly cut in the kitchen. The kitchen is full of glimmering kitchen knives. I feel as if it is like a battle field. The atmosphere of American and Chinese food differ greatly. A lot of good American restaurants are generally built in beautiful scenic or metropolitan areas, so I sometimes feel as if American food is about â€Å"Eating the scenery†rather than â€Å"Enjoying the taste†. Time flies, I have been in the U.S. for more than six years. There are some more things that I didn’t notice on the first day I arrived in California. There are many cultural differences between the U.S. and China. In China, one of them is people think about ideas in a collective sense, often considering how their actions will affect their friends and families. Chinese people tend to collaborate before making a decision. Decisions are made for the greater good as opposed to personal choice. In America, prioritizing individual goals and motives over the group is considered the norm. The number one reason I came to U.S. was because my mother wanted me to. I had to leave all my friends and family behind. It was the hardest decision that I ever had to make because I didn’t want to disappoint my mother. Students in California are not as stressful as the students in China. There are be many actives available in California, because of more freedom to young people then would be in China. At last, to be in the U.S. is just like a new adventure, I learned many things that I could never learn in China. I met a lot of interesting people that I probably could never have met if I am still in China. Overall, looking back to the first day, I was like a country’s boy that just came into the city.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Report: Males
GAC013: Science II: Scientific Principles Assessment 1: Scientific Investigation & Report Topic 1: Do Males and Females Have Different Abilities When Estimating Size? Student Name: Tracy Cheng Student ID: SHSA19818 Class:5 Teacher: Shawn Due Date: 10. 29. 2012 Content Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 Methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 Results†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Discussion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Abstract This report looks to explore the topic of doing males and females have different abilities when estimating size. The point that males’ abilities to estimate size are more accurate than females is hypothesized. To prove this hypothesis, some importa nt information from the internet and a series of related research has been investigated. After collecting the data in my study, the results of this analysis indicate that males have the more accurate abilities in size estimating than females.Introduction In the society, male and female have much diversity, which is called ‘Sexual Dimorphism’ in sociology and biology. Such differences are specifically expressed in many different areas in the life, such as morphology, ornamentation, and behavior. The purpose of this report is that analyzing some data to show the different abilities to estimate size for males and females, and trying to find what makes this happened. Now, I would like to hypothesis the males’ abilities to estimate size better than females’. MethodologyFirstly, some information on the internet about males and females which kinds of people can reckon size accurately will be found. According to the information, ten males and ten females will be c hose to make them estimate an item’s (pens, notebooks or shoes) size. For different items, the two gender people may show different abilities in size estimating. At the end of this research, data should be collected and analyzed by charts or other ways to compare the accuracies in size estimating for males and females. ResultsThe estimated length of a pen by given ten males and ten females are shown in Figure 1. The actual length of this pen is 14. 5cm, which is shown in Figure 1 (a). According to Figure 1 (b), females’ results include some more precise numbers, such as 13. 5cm and 14. 8cm. Furthermore, the mean value of the estimated length for males is 13. 2cm, and for females is 13. 82cm, which can be seen clearly that the average estimating of females is more close to the actual length than males. Figure 1 – (a) the estimated length of a pen by ten males; (b) the estimated length of a pen by ten females.Table 1 shows the estimated size of a pair of shoes by given ten males and ten females. The size of the shoes is European standard in this research, and actual size is 41. The mean value of the estimated size for males is 41. 7, and for females is 40. 9, and females have more accurate estimating. | Males’ estimating| Females’ estimating| 1| 44| 41| 2| 42| 40| 3| 42| 43| 4| 44| 40| 5| 43| 42| 6| 42| 38| 7| 40| 40| | 41| 40| 9| 39| 42| 10| 40| 43| Mean (rule out maximum & minimum value)| 41. 7| 40. 9| Actual| 41| 41| Table 1 – estimated size of a pair of shoes by ten males and ten females. Figure 2 reveals the area estimating for a notebook by twenty people from two genders. The actual size of the chosen notebook is 446. 25 cm2. Though calculations, the average estimated size is 438 cm2 and 359. 25 cm2 for males and females, respectively.Moreover, a same case which be found in the first research (pen length estimating) also came out. Females’ estimating includes more precise numbers like 454. 6, and males more likely to estimate cursory numbers, such as 400, 300 and 600. Figure 2 – (a) the estimated size of a notebook by ten males; (b) the estimated size of a notebook by ten females. Discussion From the first research, it can be found that female is more careful and accurate (Figure 1), because females more likely to give a more specific value and shows a more exquisite heart.That can also be showed in daily life, girls always be said that do things much more careful than boys in most cases (Women and Men in the Classroom 1985, p. Online). For instance, when a teacher has some works for girls, in the most time the girls can finish these works quickly and better. However, in the third research, these results show that males have better estimated size than females. The researchers found that when people ask males to estimate size, the majority of them always use their hands to measure the length and ponder over for a relatively long time.But in the same situation, females are more li kely to pay attention on the notebook’s color, shape and other things rather than the size, and their reason is that they prefer to care about how lovely the notebook is. According all of these researches in the previous, females are better to estimate something which has exact norms, like shoes and diamond, and males are good at estimating on the things which are very large and dimensional, such as the height of a building and the length of a bridge.Although female is more careful, their ability in size estimating is not necessarily as good as males. Males are more logical and rational, and have better space imagination than females. Another research from the internet proves that metastudies show a male advantage in mental rotation and assessing horizontality and verticality†(Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. 2010. ) which is why male estimated more accurate than female. Conclusion Depending on a series of researches, people have different abilities to estima te size.Males are more accurate in estimating size than females since males are relatively more rational and logical. The reason may be related to the process in human’s evolutions in the history. More specifically, males always make a more leading role in the society for a quite long time after the end of matriarchal clan commune period. For example, many important jobs such as architects and engineers even most government officials are preferred for males. To sum up, I prefer to think that the ability of males in estimating size is better than females.References Catherine G. Krupnick (1985), Women and Men in the Classroom [online]. Available at: http://isites. harvard. edu/fs/html/icb. topic58474/krupnick. html. [Accessed 26 Oct 2012] Chrisler, Joan C & Donald R. McCreary (2010), Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology. Springer. [online]. Available at: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Male_female_differences [Accessed 26 Oct 2012] Male-Female Brain Differences [online]. Av ailable at: http://www. doctorhugo. org/brain4. html [Accessed 26 October 2012]
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Master and slave operation Essay
Bluetooth devices exist in small ad-hoc network configuration with the ability to operate as either master or the slave; the specification also allows a mechanism for master and slave to switch their roles. The configurations can be single point, which is the simplest configuration with one master and one slave. Multipoint, called a Piconet, based on up to 7 slaves clustered around a single Master. And a third type called a Scatternet, this is a group of Piconets effectively hubbed via a single Bluetooth device acting as a master in one Piconet and a slave in the other Piconet. The Scatternet permits either larger coverage areas or number of devices than a single Piconet can offer. Figure 5 outlines the different master and slave topologies permitted for networks in the standard (see â€Å"Bluetooth: Goodbye Infrared†). The role of the master is to control the available bandwidth between the slaves, it calculates and allocates how often to communicate with each slave and locks them into the appropriate frequency hopping sequence. The specification describes an algorithm that calculates the hop sequence, the seed being based on the master’s device address and clock. In addition to hop sequence control, the master is responsible for transmit control by dividing the network into a series of time slots amongst the net members, as part of a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) scheme. These time slots can consist of data and potentially additional voice traffic i. e. you will always need a data channel before you can add a voice channel. The time slot is defined as 625  µs and all packet traffic is allocated 1, 3 or 5 slots, grouped together in transmit and receive pairs. Prior to connection some operations such as inquiry, paging and scanning operations may sometimes occur on half slots (see â€Å"Bluetooth: Goodbye Infrared†). Figure 5: Point to point, Piconet and Scatternet. A. 2. 3 Voice and Data Links. Bluetooth carries communication traffic over two types of air interface links defined as Asynchronous ConnectionLess (ACL) or Synchronous Connection Oriented (SCO). During a connection the links carry voice and data traffic in the time slots and are categorised as either time critical, as used for voice and audio, or high speed non-time critical data with a mechanism for acknowledgement and re-transmission. The first link established between master and slave is the ACL link and carries high speed data that is insensitive to time. It is packet switched, as the data is sporadic in nature, asynchronous, contains asymmetric and symmetric services and uses a polling access scheme. A master may be permitted to have a number of ACL links up to the maximum number of slaves permitted by the specification but only one link is allowed between any two devices (see â€Å"Bluetooth: Goodbye Infrared†). Once an ACL has been established a SCO link can be created on top of the ACL link. The SCO link is circuit switched; it has symmetric synchronous services and has slot reservation at fixed intervals, making it suitable for time critical data such as voice. The specification restricts the number of SCO links that a master can support to three. Summarising the two types of links: ACL ? Packet constructed of a 72 bit access code, a 54 bit packet header, a 16 bit CRC and Payload data ? Largest data packet is DH5 giving 723. 2 Kb/s as highest data rate in one direction. ? Non time critical data ? Asynchronous ? Packet switched ? Polling access SCO ? Same access code and header as ACL packets ? ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) and SEQ (SEQuence) flags redundant since flow control and re-transmissions do not apply ? Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) field is absent? Payload fixed at 30 bytes, with source data of 10, 20 or 30 bytes ? Circuit switched ? Symmetric synchronous services ? Slot reservation at fixed intervals A special case exists that mixes SCO and ACL packets. Known as the Data Voice (DV) packet it carries data and voice on regular intervals like the SCO. The voice data has no flow control or CRC as per SCO packets, whereas the data part of the DV packet has flow control, re-transmission of the data part is permitted and the data part is CRC protected (see â€Å"Bluetooth: Goodbye Infrared†).
Compartive report between Australia and Norway Health Care System Essay
Compartive report between Australia and Norway Health Care System - Essay Example However, Australia presents a mixed system of public and private care that presents more choices to those that are ill compared to Norway, which has a predominantly centrally planned state sponsored health system. The Norwegian system presents generous support to those who are ill, but long waiting lists for procedures exist despite a higher number of physicians per 100,000 population. Norway presents very limited patient choice and say. Australians have a guarantee of healthcare, no matter how expensive it becomes, and can decide about the quality of care that they receive by selecting their contributions to Medicare or private healthcare schemes. However, in Norway, the GP assigned to a patient decides about what the system will offer to a patient, and it is not easy to change the GP. Longer waiting lists and a lack of advanced diagnostic techniques, including use of MRI and CT scanning, points to a certain rationing and a lack of sophistication in the Norwegian system, despite its generous support for those that are ill. Access to drugs is better in the Australian system. Although the year 2000 WHO Health Report ranked Norway higher than Australia in terms of the performance of its health system, this report is now a decade old. The latest OECD Frequently Requested Healthcare Data points to the fact that the Australian healthcare system is now performing better and offering more choices to those who are ill with shorter waiting lists and access to more sophisticated diagnostic procedures compared to Norway. Life expectancy is higher in Australia, with a lower figure for Potential Years of Life Lost for the population, and the Australian system offers better pharmaceutical / drug assistance. It is certain that economic constraints have forced choices, and the Norwegian healthcare system has had to try to optimise. Thus, although it is likely that things will improve with the development of a parallel private healthcare system in Norway,
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Ethical Marketing and Tobacco Advertising Essay
Ethical Marketing and Tobacco Advertising - Essay Example Because of their powerful role in the society, governments and the legislatures of different nations and states impose rules and regulations to ensure that such power is not used wrongfully. Moroever, there is a growing demand on businesses to maintain higher ethical standards in all of their practises (Lantos 2001). The tobacco industry provides a classic setting to study the ethicality of marketing practices in general (Sundaram & Mitra 2007). This is especially that it is believed that â€Å"the cigarette is the only legally available product in the United States that when used as directed, will kill the user and injure others (Snell 2005). The future of the tobacco industry depends on maintaining current users and recruiting new users to replace older smokers who quit or die from tobacco-related diseases (Kreslake, et al,2008, p.1685). As such, every day in the United States, the tobacco industry spends almost $42 million on advertisements and promotions, and between 2002 and 2003 the industry increased its spending by $2.7 billion (Facts A La Carte 2007). The usual way of the government to effectively reduce the use of tobacco products is to ban smoking in restaurants and impose higher taxes on tobacco products (Doohee et al 2004). This paper will explain the basic ethics in marketing based on the related literature gathered and the current marketing strategies of the tobacco industry and a brief evaluation on the two sides of their ideas. For George Brenkert (2008), marketing a product is not about obtaining profit. For him marketing is a moral activity embodying central ethical values and principles. Marketers are expected to have limited but positive sympathies toward others (Robin and Reidenbach 1993). In Brenkert’s book Marketing Ethics, he addressed in a clear and pragmatic manner the ethical questions, misunderstandings, and challenges that marketing raises. He tried to confront standard marketing views and offered
Monday, August 12, 2019
Corporate Compliance Plan Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Corporate Compliance Plan Paper - Essay Example These risks include financial malpractice, product liability amongst others. This is the reason why this company needs a control plan to ensure that it has sound business objectives and can manage its risks effectively and in accordance with the laws. This document is going to describe the control plan of Riordan Manufacturing Company. The control plan is in line with the principles that were identified by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The control components that Riordan will use are also included in this control plan and are in accordance with the ones identified by the above commission. A company of Riordan’s status is bound to experience enterprise risks of varying magnitude, and that is the reason that the enterprise risk management plan of this company will be provided. It is important to identify the roles that will be played by various personnel in the company as far as the implementation of this control plan is concerned. These responsibilities will be identified. The limitations and weaknesses of enterprise risk management will also be included in the paper. A control plan has to take into consideration the enterprise risk management that is particular to that company. These are the methods and processes that are employed by any organization in order to deal with risks that are detrimental to the achievement of the company’s objectives and goals (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission [COSO], 2004). Not only does the company use these methods to manage the risks particular to it, but it also uses it to take advantage of opportunities that avail themselves to it. This is because every risk has the potential of hindering the achievement of a particular goal or presenting an opportunity to the company. The process of risk management is adopted by the directors of the company. It is used by
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Do Natural Disasters lead to internal conflict within a country Essay
Do Natural Disasters lead to internal conflict within a country - Essay Example The fact that natural disasters can have serious impact on the society and the people suggests that these need to be managed in a proper way (Shaw, 2011). If this does not happen, there would be immense problems for the entire civilization and the one that comes about as a result of the natural disasters and calamities existing within the region. The natural disasters are deemed as some of the most significant problems that have come about with the passage of time within this day and age. This is because they can come about suddenly and their drastic effects are something to get worried about (Perry, 2007). What is even more worsening is the fact that the natural disasters lead to an anarchic state and the people feel juxtaposed in terms of loss of property and even the loss of lives within their families and friends. The internal conflict can arise within a country because people might feel that since they have already lost their family members and their homes and property, they might as well claim control upon the property remains intact of others. It gives them the leeway to do whatsoever they feel like and thus exert their influence in more ways than one (Dyi, 2009). The internal conflicts do come about because the people have been hard done by. They have no other means to make both ends meet and the aid and help seem to be a far gone conclusion. What they can think best under these times is to seek refuge somewhere and this is only possible when they can play havoc with the system that exists within the country at that point in time. Similarly, they are also aware that they can create anarchy and mess by loot and plundering at that time because they might get back on their feet but they would not be able to become as rich as the well-off individuals of the society and it is best for them to e xploit the ways and means of the people who have seen good days within their lives (Stevens, 2008). Thus loot and plundering becomes the buzzword within such settings and for a number of different reasons, not all of which are based on problematic issues and concerns. The conflicts within a country can also come about in the wake of natural disasters if the select group of people is bent upon finding out where they can gain something or the other, and at any point in time within their lives. They are always waiting for an opportunity that they cash upon, and once they come to know of such concerns that emit from the aegis of the natural disasters, they seem to grab it with both hands, thinking less of the people who are already suffering or will suffer due to the calamity or catastrophe which has hit them (Mulligan, 2011). The earthquakes of Turkey, Haiti, Chile, Indonesia and Pakistan are some of the examples where contrasting features of conflict came about. The catastrophes that took place in these nations shook the basis of the people and their governments came in with drastic steps to take care of the local populace. The conflicts came in when the people realized that they would have to get their respective house in order so that sanity could prevail within their ranks (Rosowsky, 2011). These individuals create anarchy because they want to ransack the property and incur loses on the part of the government, partly in line with the shortcomings that the organizations and institutions, and basically the government has had in the dealing with the masses of the society. The underdeveloped countries are the worst hit – mainly because they have fewer avenues of proper infrastructure and
Saturday, August 10, 2019
How can managers and leaders use problems they face as source of Essay
How can managers and leaders use problems they face as source of learning - Essay Example The report analyse the possibility of using daily organisational issues encountered by managers as a means of learning to facilitate continuous development. In the face of growing business environmental pressures stemming from process of globalization and the advent of the knowledge economy, the demands placed upon managers and leaders to be effective in their relevant functions and roles has increased. Therefore, management and leadership development on a continuous basis has become a prerequisite for staying in business. While management designations may be limited, organisational success would largely upon its ability to develop the managerial and leadership skills at every level of the employee participation. As such skills development is based on a continuous learning process, managers and leaders need to use problems they encounter in everyday operations as a source of learning. In UK alone, the demand for high caliber managers with professional qualifications is in the rise and over 100,000 new management positions are being created as per estimates. But survey statistics points to poor management and leadership skills at all levels and relating `2to many areas such as delegation, choosing appropriate style of management and inability to involve the subordinates in to the decision making process (Managers & Leaders 2002). The report aims to analyse the need for managerial and leadership development and propose a conceptual model for the same. To understand the importance of Management & Leadership development, one should see the distinction between concepts such as management/leadership education or training which is in-effect associated subsidiary aspects of the overall effort of Management & Leadership development. While Management and Leadership education will take more of academic stance, the training will be more related to specific informal and formal delivery
Friday, August 9, 2019
Developments in Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Developments in Pakistan - Essay Example The rulers and administrators of Pakistan had a tough task in dealing with the internal squabbles and maintaining the law and order situation. Pakistan shot into international fame, not because of its achievements in the economic field, but for its terrorist leanings. Whether it supports the international terrorism or not, is a highly debatable question even today. Its leadership asserts that it does not, but India and America strongly believe that it does! The developments in Iraq, the 9/11 terrorist attacks that rattled America in the year 2001,and the subsequent rise in global terrorism, whose base is in Afghanistan and the border districts of Pakistan, has brought this country to the international scene. Due to Americas close alliance with Pakistan for strategic reasons, this country is always in the limelight for one reason for the other, during the last decade. It emerged out of isolation and is a newsworthy country in the international press. â€Å" In October 1999, Pakistanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Chief of Army Staff Gen. Pervez Musharraf replaced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup. Following the military overthrow of an elected government, Islamabad faced considerable international opprobrium and was subjected to automatic coup-related U.S. sanctions. The September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and Musharraf’s ensuing withdrawal of support for the Afghan Taliban regime, however,had the effect of greatly reducing Pakistan’s international isolation.†(PDF-Pakistans....) From the point of view of policy declarations, USA avers that Pakistan is a vital ally in the international anti-terrorism coalition. USA is fully aware of the shortcomings and limitations of functioning of the Pakistans political leadership, where religious fanaticism rules the roost. USA wishes to lend a helping hand in strengthening
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Ethical use of information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Ethical use of information - Essay Example Unethical acts can be determined by the AMA’s Code of Medical Ethics. Moreover, one can determine a special concern related to a particular issue (Al-Fedaghi, 2012). After determining that the unethical conduct has occurred, one may need to approach the practitioner and talk about the concerns. Attention should be focused on the possible negative impact on the patient and the integrity of practice. Reports could also be made to the administration, or higher authority regarding how the issue. Moreover, institutions should establish channels for reporting handling unethical practice within the institution. All nurses should assist in identifying unethical practices that could harm a patient’s well-being. Reporting should be based on accurate facts and not merely opinion. Despite the fact that reporting may put a nurse at risk, it should not eliminate obligation to address unethical practice that affect patient safety (Goodman, et al., 2011). Goodman, K. W., Berner, E. S., Dente, M. A., Kaplan, B., Koppel, R., Rucker, D., . . . Winkelstein, P. (2011). Challenges in ethics, safety, best practices, and oversight regarding HIT vendors, their customers and patients: a report of an AMIA special task force. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
No Country for Old Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
No Country for Old Men - Essay Example When he is having a conversation with anyone, the camera follows the other character mostly when he/she says something of value or to show what is the effect of Chigurh’s personality or speech on him/her. The character of Sheriff Ed Tom Bell also has a lot of strength. In my opinion, his character is second to Chigurh. His appearance is anticipated at any time because the movie opens up with him narrating in background voice. His first appearance is not shot from a lower angle or an angle that shows his importance. He is shot from a very common angle and his importance can be construed by his wife telling him to â€Å"be careful†. His answers to his wife show that he is an experienced Sheriff and has been in such situations a lot of times before. He can easily be shown as being tired of his job and feeling that he is not good enough for the police work anymore. The feeling of helplessness and knowing that he has a very limited capacity to do things has made him quite cy nical. The camera rarely leaves his face whether he is in a conversation or not. The camera has to be kept on him in such a way that his facial expressions and feelings are recorded properly. In a scene where his subordinate laughs at his remark, the camera still focuses on him a lot to show that he is not amused. The character of Llewelyn Moss can be regarded as the second most important character. If not, this character is very much poised with the character of the Sheriff. Although he runs away with the money that did not belong to him, he still manages to get the sympathy of the audience. Llewelyn told his wife that he â€Å"will return†. This makes the audience expect that he might survive at the end of the movie. But he is killed in the most common manner as any character in the movie does. It is surprising that some of the minor details of his activities are followed by the camera, but his killing is not shown, hence nil dramatizations in his death. Unlike, Chigurh, Ll welyn depicts a lot of feelings ranging from pain to the worry of his wife’s safety. He is also a compassionate person as despite knowing about the danger to his life, he takes water to the dying Mexican gangster/driver, albeit, he was too late. Prior to that, the camera focuses on him from the ceiling as he lies on the bed and records the feelings of restlessness that the thought of the thirsty Mexican brings to him. He is careful and as circumspect as his wits allow him to be but he makes some critical mistakes that lead to his death. The movie uses very less music and even the most intense moments are free from dramatic melody in order to depict reality. This has shown realism in the movie. â€Å"Critics and theorists have championed film as the most realistic of all the arts in capturing how an experience actually looks and sounds†(Giannetti and Leach, Page 3) The time when Chigurh asks the shopkeeper at the gas station to call the coin, it is obvious that he is w agering on killing him. This is a critical moment but no music is used. The sounds used are natural and real. In this movie, the rarity of music enables the audience to expect the un-expectable at any moment. In the beginning, when Lelwelyn walks to the scene of the crime and away from it, the contact of his feet with the ground can be heard very clearly. Also, the time when he is in the motel, the sound of the creak of the wooden floor due to
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