Monday, August 24, 2020
How does globalisation impact on the management of Chinese firms Essay
How does globalization sway on the administration of Chinese firms - Essay Example This examination will start with the explanation that the Chinese society is commonly viewed as guided by conventional standards and qualities. The Chinese business culture is interesting, conventional and traditionalist ordinarily. Chinese business culture is enormous impacted by the ‘guanxi’ framework. As indicated by this framework, ‘special relationships’ are given excellent inclination for building up business associations. Along these lines, exceptionally cozy connections, (for example, family connections) get extraordinary consideration in the business world, while the degree of significance decreases with separation in the relationship among systems administration people. Be that as it may, the business condition is changing quick at the worldwide level and the Chinese business culture is likewise changing quick alongside the changing example of worldwide business. Prior to the monetary emergency of 2008, China’s economy developed at the pace of in excess of 11 percent. In this unique situation, it is basic to recognize the key push that apparatuses up the economy. In China, there are three sorts of firms; huge private-claimed firms, enormous state-possessed firms and little family-run (private possessed) firms working inside and outside the Chinese fringe. Globalization has thrown a huge impact on the monetary exercises of the Chinese economy. The greatest pattern can be seen as universal development of the little exclusive Chinese firms. Globalization is the complicated idea that covers an immense zone including the economy, business, money related structure, culture and society and by and large improvement of the little and huge business enterprises. It is the consequence of heightened of worldwide systems that improve interconnectedness among the distinctive monetary specialists and inside the areas. Since the impact of globalization is fluctuated, it throws various consequences for the various segments of the econom y. Subsequently any particular part of globalization can't portray this massive marvel. Through globalization, communication happens among different networks that prompts trade of social and business traits. Household societies and organizations of the rising economies develop, adjust and modernize alongside the approaching progression of remote culture and practices. Six distinct parts of globalization can be recognized through inside and out investigation of the qualities of the Chinese economy and business exercises. These perspectives are referenced underneath: Faster pace of capital and data stream Improvement in methods of collaboration and increase of various associations Expansion and augmentation of social, social and political practices Greater degree of relationship between the worldwide and nearby scenes Greater impact of the western culture and practices on rising economies of the creating nations Customisation of remote thoughts as indicated by esteems implanted in res idential economies All these components influence the little exclusive privately-run companies in China. The significant advantages got by little firms because of globalization are expanded innovative information, better methods of creation and less expensive items. Pace of stream of capital and data, work and products has expanded because of globalization. This is on the grounds that, under globalization, channels of correspondence have expanded and have gotten exceptionally progressed.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Prosperity Without Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Thriving Without Growth - Essay Example This paper outlines that market analysts like Tim Jackson have strayed from the thoughts of financial development, to fuse more thoughts that lead to practical economies. In reality, the prosperity of the people and family units has become the dominant focal point and the legislative issues have been outfitted to address these overlooked thoughts. For sure, a large portion of the development that had been the focal point of most economies in the past has prompted monstrous lifts in the worldwide economy, however at the expense of the earth and the general public. On this establishing, the creations and utilization exercises have added to over 60% of the debasement of the eco-frameworks, bringing up major issues on whether this way will prompt manageable improvement soon. To be sure, just an extremely little segment of the advantages of the worldwide salary is redistributed to poor people, declining the hole between the rich and poor people. Getting an evenhanded dispersion of assets, thusly, is one reason that the creator focuses to zero monetary development in success on the planet economy. The thought of interminable development has immersed current financial analysts, who neglect the social advancement identified with such sort of development. Without a doubt, social soundness and advancement are one of the key mainstays of manageability, which prompts flourishing even in the worldwide economy. Also, the gathering of endless worldwide monetary highest points to address financial development and difficulties have not kept the world from going into endless downturns. On this stage, the entrepreneur developments appear to hypothesize a perpetual way of development, prodded by monetary exercises of creation, searching for new markets and utilization as the primary drivers of development. From this point of view, the hypothesis of thriving without development wakes up, in light of the fact that this constant cycle may go on inconclusively without enhancements in the ways of life of the majority. Undoubtedly, note that any human action is equipped towards the improvement of government assistance, and when such a framework falls flat, it is desirable over have flourishing even without development on the planet.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Writing About Other Essays in Extended Essay Topics
Writing About Other Essays in Extended Essay TopicsWhat if the next extended essay topic is a typical discussion between classmates about a current event and a couple options that they are considering? As a result of this topic a student would like to write a long essay about a particular topic that would be similar to one of the topics that they know about. How do you know which topics would be similar and which would not?Some students work hard in writing their essay and decide to use the first topic that they come up with. For example, instead of writing about themselves in the first essay, they could have an essay that has a different topic. However, these essays would lack the same impact and level of excitement that the other essays contain.This is where a person's essay can be totally different from the other students in the class. That is, if a student has the ability to think of another topic then it would be better for them to write on that topic in a completely different e ssay. However, if the student decides to write the topic from the point of view of another person and base the essay on that person's perspective, then it would be better for the student to include the other person's opinion in the essay. This will allow the student to take the viewpoint of the person that they are writing about and help them in making their essay more interesting for the reader.Of course, there are several other factors that could cause an essay to be similar to other essay topics. A student could come up with ideas that would be similar to the other topics that are presented in the class. However, a good student can change the topic and add something new and original to make their essay is unique.Having a good essay is important because it will allow the student to be remembered by their classmates and receive a better grade. In order to write a great essay, it is important to take the time to research and think of the different things that could make a good essay . Students who are able to write in an engaging way will be able to capture the attention of their audience in a much better way than students who do not have any ideas that are unique.Another important thing that a student can do to increase the interest of their writing is to have examples that they can relate to. If the student has a classmate that has written an essay, they could refer to their example when writing their own essay. Not only would this allow the student to relate to a specific concept but it also allows them to make connections between the various topics that they have written about.There are some other ways that an essay can be similar to other essay topics. For example, if a student feels that their idea would be interesting, they could present it as a thesis statement or a question for the next essay topic. This would give them a reason to write and would give the reader a reason to read.As students continue to take their education to the next level, they will soon learn how important it is to write interesting and great things. Instead of having generic essays students can make their essays stand out from the crowd. If they keep an open mind about the different ways that different topics can be related, they will be able to make their essays work for them.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Unification Of China And Han Dynasty - 873 Words
The unification of China was under the dynasties Qin and Han. There were formed schools of thought called Confucians, Daoists, and Legalists. These school of thoughts worked to bring political and social stability to China during the rule of the late Zhou dynasty which were chaotic years. Legalist principles and imposed centralized imperial rule were adopted by rulers of the Qin and Han dynasties. Political stability was the foundation of economic prosperity for the Han dynasty. There was a search of political and social order, unification of China, and a transition from economic prosperity to social disorder. Confucius is one of the first Chinese thinkers who addressed the conflict of political and social order. he was a strong willed man who often did not get along with others. He never realized his ambition to become a powerful minister. Confucius attracted numerous disciples who aspired to political careers. His thought was fundamentally moral, ethical, and political in character . He had his disciples study works of poetry and history made during the Zhou dynasty. He examined the book of Songs, book of History, the Book of Rites, and other works with his students. Literary works of the Zhou dynasty became the core texts of the traditional Chinese education because of Confucius’s influence. There were specific Confucian values indluding ren, li, and xiao. Individuals with ren were courteous, respectful, loyal, and diligent. He said ren is much needed for governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Chaos and Division of Asias History Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesAsian history lead a unified conclusion that the past (history) of Asia was characterized with chaos and internal divisions. â€Å"China, once again entered an era of divisiveness and chaos. Competing warlords dominated China for the next 350 years†(The Golden Age of China: 79). 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
What is Supply Chain Management Essay - 1492 Words
Introduction: With the advent of globalization and continuous evolution in technology in the last 4 decades, the whole structure of organizations have evolved. Globalization has led to the downfall, of once successful, companies which were stagnant while led to exponential growth of continuously evolving companies. Supply chain, which was once considered a small part of operations, has now become one of the most important departments. â€Å"The term Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities.†as quoted by the council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.[1] In current competitive environment, to attain utmost†¦show more content†¦Though large corporations have successfully employed RFID in their supply chain, smaller suppliers are still reluctant in employing it due to the cost factor. This report focuses on benefits and challenges in use of RFID in supply chain management and its future prospects. RFID Technology: Identifying any object using radio frequency is termed as RFID. The major advantage of RFID over barcodes is that using RFID items can be scanned even if they are not in line of sight and that too without manual support. [4] RFID network consists of three major components: RFID tag or transponder, Antenna or receiver and reader. †¢ RFID Tag or transponder: A RFID tag or a transponder is a small microchip attached to the product to be tracked. The information about the product such as the manufacturing date, price, and expiry date is stored on this chip. When a field is generated by the receiver or antenna the transponder sends the information to the antenna which is attached to the reader or the middleware. Varied types of tags are available, in different cost levels, these days which can perform specific functions. Majorly tags are classified as active and passive tags. Active tags are powered by batter while the passive tags work using the energy of reader. †¢ Antenna: An antenna or a receiver is a device attached toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Supply Chain Management? Essay2257 Words  | 10 Pagestheir environmental foot-print. It’s because of this push from consumers about making products sustainable and he companies have had to implement their sustainable and green supply chain management (GSCM). These GSCM’s are designed to take on old supply chain management systems by reducing the environmental costs of the supply chain. However there is no one industry normal way of doing this and there are many different reasoning’s as to why a company would want to have a GSCM system. In the literatureRead MoreWhat ´s Supply Chain Management?555 Words  | 2 PagesSupply chain management involves planning and coordinating the activities of organizations across the supply chain. Supply chains consist of heterogeneous subsystems with complex relationships, requiring collective effort and constraint based optimization . It consists of procuring raw materials, acquiring orders from customers, assembling the product, managing inventory and delivering the finished goods. A key function is managing complex and dynamic supply and demand networks. Efficient managementRead MoreWhat Are the Impacts of Rfid in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management?21195 Words  | 85 PagesWHAT ARE THE IMPACTS OF RFID IN OIL AND GAS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT? CERTIFICATION STATEMENT This is to certify and say as follows, 1) That the information provided in this research paper is my own product. 2) That where languages or words or quotation from others papers such as articles, books and journals is used, such have been indicated by quotation marks and appropriate credits have been given to acknowledge the works of such writers or authors. 3) ThatRead MoreExamine the Strategic Importance of Supply Chain Management to a Manufacturing Firm. What Are the Major Types of Supply Chain Strategies Open to Such a Firm?1030 Words  | 5 PagesSCM is the management of a network of interconnected businesses (such as distributors, wholesalers and retailers) involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers. It spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption (supply chain). Principles of SCM are: - Internal integration of purchasing and supply, manufacturing and physical distribution management - ExternalRead MoreSupply Chain Management : Supply Chains1476 Words  | 6 Pages1.3 Supply Chain Supply chains encompass the companies and the business activities needed to design, make, deliver, and use a product or service. Businesses depend on their supply chains to provide them with what they need to survive and thrive. Every business fits into one or more supply chains and has a role to play in each of them. The pace of change and the uncertainty about how markets will evolve has made it increasingly important for companies to be aware of the supply chains they participateRead MoreImportance of Supply Chain Management Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance of Supply Chain Management Supply chain management (SCM) is very important and effective to all companies. David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi-Levi defines supply chain management as â€Å"a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize systemwide costs while satisfying serviceRead MoreIntegrated Thinking : E Business And Supply Chain Management Essay955 Words  | 4 PagesDepartment of management systems Final assignment Integrated thinking: E-business and Supply Chain Management E-business lets us turn big chunks of data into information which can be used to increase sales and allows us to share this information with our business partners via the internet. E-business uses the internet to link retailers with their suppliers and customers. Supply chain management focusses on integrating steps of the supply chain both internally and externally. 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The fresh produce business adage â€Å"you can’t sell from an empty wagon†highlights this fundamental purpose of supply chain management†. (Defining the Supply Chain) OrganizationsRead MoreCulture Mistakes by Pizza Hut1311 Words  | 6 Pages2010. Donovan , R. Michael (2005). Effective Supply Chain Management (Movahedi et al., 2009, defining supply chain management, evolution of supply chain studies Lambert, 2008) mentioned by Cooper et. al., 1997 Enclyclopedia of e-commerce (2009), definition of supply chain management 2007 – Springer; J Oleskow, M Fertsch, P Golinska, data mining as the efficient tool for the effective supply chain integration LIU.,F; study and explore the supply chain base on CRM, 10 Mar 2011 Tseng, D. S., Cox
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Favorite Food Free Essays
That’s My Boy (2012 film) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the 2012 film. For other uses, see That’s My Boy. |[pic] |This article’s plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. We will write a custom essay sample on Favorite Food or any similar topic only for you Order Now Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and | | |making it more concise. (January 2013) | That’s My Boy | |[pic] | |Theatrical release poster | |Directed by |Sean Anders | |Produced by |Adam Sandler | | |Allen Covert | | |Jack Giarraputo | | |Heather Parry | |Written by |David Caspe | |Starring |Adam Sandler | | |Andy Samberg | | |Leighton Meester | | |Susan Sarandon | | |Ciara | | |Luenell | | |Vanilla Ice | |Music by |Rupert Gregson-Williams | |Cinematography |Brandon Trost | |Editing by |Tom Costain | |Studio |Happy Madison Productions | | |Relativity Media | |Distributed by |Columbia Pictures | |Release date(s) |June 15, 2012 | |Running time |114 minutes[1] | |Country |United States | |Language |English | |Budget |$70 million[2][3] | |Box office |$57,719,093[3] | That’s My Boy[4] is a 2012 American comedy film starring Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg. The script was written by David Caspe and directed by Sean Anders. The film was produced under Sandler’s production company Happy Madison, and shot in Massachusetts, around Boston, Everett, Peabody, Lynn, Brockton, Stoughton and Cape Cod. [5] The film was released on June 15, 2012,[6][7] and distributed by Columbia Pictures. The film received very negative reviews from critics and is nominated for eight Golden Raspberry Awards, ultimately winning in the categories of Worst Actor and Worst Screenplay. The film has been subject of controversy and criticism due to its comedic portrayal of pedophilia, incest and statutory rape. 8] It is the sixth Sandler film to be rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. That’s My Boy was a box office failure, grossing $57. 7 million worldwide, thus failing to reimburse its $70 million budget. | | Plot In 1984, 13-year-old Donny Berg er begins a sexual relationship with his teacher Mary McGarricle. When the two are discovered having sexual intercourse on a piano during an assembly, she is sentenced to a lengthy prison term where it is revealed she is pregnant; Donny is left to raise their son, who he names Han Solo Berger. By 2012, Donny (Adam Sandler) is an alcoholic slacker, who spends his time with his friends, bartender Brie (Ciara) and stripper Champale (Luenell). Donny is estranged from his son, who, embarrassed by Donny’s immaturity, has changed his name to Todd Peterson and managed to become a successful businessman. He has recently arrived at the Cape Cod house of his boss, where he is to be married to Jamie (Leighton Meester). Donny learns from his lawyer, Jim Nance, that he owes $43,000 to the IRS in back-taxes and will be imprisoned for three years if he doesn’t repay the money by the end of the weekend. He visits TV producer Randall Morgan, who had produced shows for Donny during his brief period of celebrity, and Morgan offers him $50,000 if he can organize a reunion with Han and Mary McGarricle at the women’s prison. Donny arrives at Cape Cod to try to convince Todd to participate. Because he had previously told people that his parents had died, Todd introduces Donny as an old friend; Donny elaborates with a heroic backstory and, despite his extremely crude behavior, quickly becomes well-liked by the other guests, at the expense of Todd’s popularity. Donny tries to convince Todd to come to the women’s prison to see his mother, without revealing that it is for a tv show, but Todd refuses. Todd fights constantly with Donny about his father’s immaturity, both now and during his childhood. Donny admitted he was wrong for his actions and should’ve stopped him, but he didn’t know how to be a father. Donny joins Todd and his friends at Todd’s bachelor party, a relaxing day at a spa. However, Donny offends the employees and guests and eventually convinces the wedding party to attend a strip club where Todd bonds with Brie. The group gets drunk and high and commits various acts of debauchery. Over the course of the evening, Todd bonds with his father and agrees to meet Mary McGarrigle at the prison. Donny, knowing that a tv crew will be waiting, tries to stop the meeting from happening, but Todd goes to the prison anyway. Todd, Donny, and Mary are ambushed by the film crew and a disgusted Todd leaves without signing a release form, leaving Donny without any money. Donny overhears Jamie on the phone saying that she has been having sex with Todd’s boss. He tries to warn Todd, but Jamie comes up with a convincing cover story. Later, Donny discovers Jamie having sex with her brother. She pays Donny the money he needs in order to keep him quiet. After receiving a conciliatory present from Todd, Donny decides that he has to stop the wedding. At the ceremony he reveals himself to be Todd’s father and rips up Jamie’s check, and forces her to admit her infidelity to Todd. A disgusted Todd breaks up with Jamie and quits his job, acknowledging Donny as his father and even taking back his birth name of Han Solo Berger. The following day at the strip club, Han reveals that he is dating Brie. He offers Donny the money to help pay for the unpaid taxes, but he refuses stating that it’s time for him to grow up and accept responsibility. Donny is preparing to go to prison when a bet he placed wins him enough money to satisfy the IRS. The film ends with Donny and Todd celebrating with the rest of their friends. †¢ Production The film was originally titled I Hate You, Dad, and then changed to Donny’s Boy before the producers finally settled on That’s My Boy. [9][4] Promotion A red-band trailer was released on March 1, 2012. [7] A green-band trailer was later released on March 5, 2012. On June 1, 2012, the whole cast sat down with MTV on the City Walk stage to discuss the film, their individual upcoming projects and also participated in a QA with the audience. The film was also promoted through the 2012 MTV Movie Awards, where Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, and Leighton Meester were presenters for Best Kiss. A spoof trailer was posted by Samberg on The Lonely Island’s YouTube account on June 1, 2012. [10] Reception Box-office The film opened on June 15, 2012 with $4. 6 million and was expected to earn $13 million for its whole weekend debut which would be Sandler’s worst opening weekend since Reign Over Me in 2007,[11] which had a significantly lower budget. The film grossed $13,453,714 in its opening weekend, ranking #4 behind the second weekends of Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted and Prometheus, and the opening of Rock of Ages. [12] As of November 24, 2012, the film has grossed $36,931,089 domestically and $57,719,093 worldwide and failing to recoup its $70 million budget making it a box office flop. [3] Critical reception Reviews for That’s My Boy were very negative. Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a â€Å"rotten†score of 21% based on reviews from 109 critics, with an average rating of 3. 4/10. The consensus states, â€Å"While it does represent a new foray into raunch for the normally PG-13 Sandler, That’s My Boy finds him repeating himself to diminishing effect – and dragging Andy Samberg down with him. â€Å"[13] Metacritic gives it a weighted average score of 31% based on 27 reviews, indicating â€Å"generally unfavorable reviews†. [14][15] Online review show Half in the Bag called the film â€Å"pathetic†, it went on to criticize Sandler as a comic, including his inability to create real humor that isn’t based on childish jokes. 16] Bob Fishbach from the Omaha World Herald gave the film one out of four stars, saying it was â€Å"worse than Sandler’s previous stinker, Jack and Jill†. [citation needed] Richard Roeper gave the film an â€Å"F†rating, calling it â€Å"an ugly, ta steless, deadly and mean-spirited piece of filmmaking,†while Alonso Duralde gave the film a scathing review, calling it â€Å"vulgar, trite, sexist, misogynist, hacky, tacky, gross, sentimental and stupid, with occasional flourishes of racism and veiled homophobia thrown in to boot. â€Å"[17] The film has been criticized for its comedic portrayal of statutory rape, pedophilia, and incest. [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] How to cite Favorite Food, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson Essay Example
The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson Paper At the centre of Frank Jackson’s articulation of the Qualia Problem is the claim that â€Å"one can have all the physical information without having all the information there is to have†. In the case of sensory experience, for example, while all sorts of comprehensive data could be recorded in a said event, there is yet an intangible element to the actual experience itself. Take, say, a person smelling a rose. Using modern technology one could capture all sorts of biochemical, psychological and cognitive processes that the act of smelling a rose invokes. Yet, the actual experience of smelling a rose cannot merely be contained and explained through this comprehensive body of information. This in essence is the Qualia problem. Jackson illustrates the inadequacy of physicalism through couple of examples. He uses the ‘knowledge argument’ in describing the case of the exceptionally sighted Fred. Fred actually sees two colors within the conventional red spectrum. In other words, just as a normal human eye can distinguish between yellow and blue clearly and consistently, Fred is able to identify two colors within red – red1 and red2. The nomenclature contains ‘red’ as a common term, but it does not mean Fred sees two shades of red. To him the two are as distinct as yellow and blue are for a normal human being. This much is a brief account of the physical facts of the phenomenon. But crucially, it is a poor substitute for what it is to experience those two different colors. Even the analogy of yellow and blue give a conceptual understanding but no clue as to what the two reds might look like. This is the major shortcoming of physicalism and hence the introduction of qualia into t he discussion. We will write a custom essay sample on The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I totally agree with Jackson’s emphasis on qualia and its centrality to discussing sensory experience. Physicalism, though, has its utility, in that, it helps document and describe sensory phenomena for scholarly analysis. But it is ultimately limited in capturing the real experience as and when it occurs to a human subject. In my view modern psychology could benefit by incorporating qualia into its therapeutic models. It is widely understood that psychological states like depression and anxiety have their origins in perception. Two different people perceive the same sort of event in two different ways. Their reaction to these events is in turn dictated by their perception. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is aimed toward rectifying the patient’s distorted perceptions of self, others, circumstances and the world-at-large. Psychotherapists mostly go by textbook methods of intervention into these problems. This not only makes their practice somewhat mechanical and predictable, but also disregards the individual subjective experience or the qualia of the mental malignancy. This facet to psychological disorders is somewhat overlooked. Instead, there seems to be a one-size-fits-all approach to psychotherapy. I believe that giving greater consideration to qualia within the therapeutic context will le ad to better patient outcomes. At the centre of Frank Jackson’s articulation of the Qualia Problem is the claim that â€Å"one can have all the physical information without having all the information there is to have†. In the case of sensory experience, for example, while all sorts of comprehensive data could be recorded in a said event, there is yet an intangible element to the actual experience itself. Take, say, a person smelling a rose. Using modern technology one could capture all sorts of biochemical, psychological and cognitive processes that the act of smelling a rose invokes. Yet, the actual experience of smelling a rose cannot merely be contained and explained through this comprehensive body of information. This in essence is the Qualia problem. Jackson illustrates the inadequacy of physicalism through couple of examples. He uses the ‘knowledge argument’ in describing the case of the exceptionally sighted Fred. Fred actually sees two colors within the conventional red spectrum. In other .
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Example
Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Example Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Ibn Battuta and Mali Essay Mali tradition was full with ceremonials that highlighted gracious gift-giving. particular respect to their leaders and changeless congratulations of God that were indispensable and important parts of their political relations and civilization. Upon reaching in Mali. Ibn Battuta was met by his host along with prominent residents which included the qadi and a tribunal translator. Dugha. They brought with them hospitality gifts. Battuta felt most welcomed and by manner of thanks asked for God to honor them for their kindness. Their best dish was served Battuta. He was to run into the grand Turk. following. who gave a munificent banquet to honour Battuta’s late grand Turk of Morocco. After the supplications he was presented to the grand Turk who greeted him with Give thanks to God and his answer was Praise be to God. He received a cordial reception gift from the grand Turk which included robes of award. money. 3 bars of staff of life. a piece of beef fried in native oil. and a calabash of rancid curds. There was gaudery and pageantry when the sultan held audience at the courtyard. The people obeyed his every word and gave him their full attending when he spoke. Dugha was given his bend to demo his art with the blades. The grand Turk gifted him with a bag incorporating 200 withqals of gold dust. The commanding officers took their bends of gift-giving to Dugha. After his exhibition. it was the sultan’s bend to be exalted in verse forms. The people began with The pompi which you occupy †¦ followed by a recitation of his baronial workss. which they said memories [ of ] will outlast you. Once the grand Turk was visited by negro man-eaters in the company of one of their emirs. The grand Turk by usage received them with honor along with a negress retainer as cordial reception gift. They devoured the retainer and left after they gave thanks to the grand Turk. At the terminal of his travels. Battuta came to see the Commander of the Faithful which he wished that May God strengthen him when Battuta kissed his manus in salutation. Reference Battuta. I. ( 1929 ) . Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. tr. and ed. H. A. R. Gibb. London: Broadway House.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Using the TDBGrid Control in Delphi Database Apps
Using the TDBGrid Control in Delphi Database Apps Contrary to most other Delphi data-aware controls, the DBGrid component has many nice features and is more powerful than you might think. Below are ways in which you can get the most out of the TDBGrid Delphi component, separated into categories. The Basics You can make the Enter key work like the Tab key in a DBGrid, which also allows ShiftEnter to function like it would if TabEnter were used. See how to fix DBGrid column widths automatically (at run-time) to remove the unfilled space at the right edge of the grid. It will automatically adjust the column width to fit even the widest entry. You can also enhance the functionality of a TDBgrid component using colors (coloring rows, columns, cells - depending on a field value). Follow this tutorial to see how to show the contents of a MEMO field (textual BLOB) in a TDBGrid, plus how to enable editing MEMOs. Some Other Nifty Tutorials When the DBGrids Options property includes dgRowSelect and dgMultiSelect, users can select multiple rows within the grid. One of the most natural and easiest ways to let your users sort a column is to have them click the column title. Follow our guide on how to sort records in Delphi DBGrid for all the information you need to make this happen. See how to retrieve, display, and edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with ADO (dbGO) and Delphi to learn how to connect to Excel, retrieve the sheet data, and enable that data to be edited using the DBGrid. Youll also find a list of most common errors that might show while in the process, plus how to deal with them. Advanced Guides Need to highlight the row behind the mouse cursor in a DBGrid? Weve got you covered. It makes reading the data much easier when the whole row is lit up. Find out how to select (make active) and highlight (change the color, font, etc.) a row in a DBGrid as the mouse moves around the grid. Heres how to place just about any Delphi control (visual component) into a cell of a DGBrid, such as checkboxes (using a TChekBox control).
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Curating a Weekend Film Festival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Curating a Weekend Film Festival - Essay Example Man Aran Date of Release: October 18th 1934 Director: Robert Flaherty Starring: Michael Dillane, Colman King, Maggie Dirrane 4. Moana Date of Release: January 7th 1966 Director: Robert Flaherty Starring: Fa'agase Su'a-Filo, Ta'avale 5. White Shadows in the South Seas Date of Release: November 10th 1958 Director: W.S. Dyke Starring; Irvon Thalberg Catalogue/Program Essay These films have been chosen due to their belonging to the docu-fiction genre, as well as their setting on beaches. Robert Flaherty’s name conjures up an array of complex debates with regard to films and documentaries, ethics, how others are represented, the director’s role, argument, ideology, gendered imagery, collaboration, ethnography, non-preconception, community, fantasy, voice, idealized or realistic cinematography, racialized bodies, and deep immersion in one the beach field (Usai, 2008). Flaherty worked or directed only 10 fiction films in his entire career. Nanook of the North, which was releas ed in 1922, the Louisiana Story, released in 1948, and Man of Aran, released in 1934 are the popularly analyzed and recognized of his films. This, in part, is caused by the fact that these are the films that were dissected and filmed by his widow and collaborator Frances Flaherty, in the mid to late 50s, which she founded following his death at the Film Seminars held for Robert Flaherty (Christopher, 2009). She did this in order to advance his thoughts on artisanal filmmaking that he used as a way of exploration. Moana, which was released in 1926, was rarely screened because of theatrical legalities of copyright that he faced from paramount. Famous Players Lasky, a Hollywood studio that was later merged with paramount Studios and was directed in Samoa, financed the film for production (Christopher, 2009). The film occupies an obscured and awkward position in the legacy left by Flaherty. It is neither a well thought out narrative of silent film neither is it a documentary exemplar. I t is what documentary scholars have long considered as among the very first in the genre of docu-fiction. The response by Famous Players Lansky, which was lukewarm, to Moana took the Flaherty’s towards views that were anti-Hollywood, especially following the holding back of exhibition and marketing by the studio after its debut in NYC (Christopher, 2009). Following his departure from MGM production of the film White Shadows of the South Seas, he went on to exhort that doing business with Hollywood was like sailing in a boat with a glass bottom over a sewer. Famous Players Lansky, in the mid 20s, looked towards the lucrative nature of overseas markets. Walter Wagner, a producer at the studio, imported realist methods of filmmaking that connected profit motives with the increase of world knowledge through foreign film-shoots (Rugg & Sedwick, 2009). He advocated for natural drama, which is a film that constructs stories through focusing on native actors, family, and animals in t heir natural habitats. Ernest Schoesdack and Merian Cooper were incorporated into the studio and taken to Thailand for the production of Chang in 1926. Stark Love in 1927 was about N. Carolina’s mountain people, Redskin in 1929 dealt with the Navajo people, and the Vanishing Redskin In 1926 dealt with the Monument Valley. Within this context of larger markets and studios, Lasky approached Flaherty for the production of another Nanook of the North, for which he was given a blank production check (Rugg & Sedwick, 2009). Polynesian cultural imagination and fantasy as a paradise that was pastoral and uncontaminated countered industrialization and urbanization’s realities and infused it into the post WWII popular culture (Obrist &
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Economic Transition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economic Transition - Essay Example In addition, trade barriers are being lifted, the export portfolio is diversifying from oil to other products, and market forces are emerging as strong determinant of price and demand. The reasons behind this shift have their roots in the lessons, which the Saudi policy makers learnt from the crisis and recessions of 1980s due to fluctuations in the oil prices. Since then, slowly and gradually, the Saudi government has been trying to strengthen the oil sector and create a reliable banking system, which could provide credit facilities to the new foreign and domestic investors. Important here to understand that this transition is not complete yet it is had some impacts on the macroenvironment. Rather than controlling the country based on the feedback on family members and a few friends, the King has gone on to create a cabinet of ministers, which are experts of economic and financial affairs for policy making and suggestions. The administration has witnessed some retaliation from the s ide of the religious experts of the country because it is hard for them to digest that how can an Islamic welfare state adopt the western capitalistic policies but the administration has appeared firm on its decision to complete this smooth transition by the end of this decade (Ramady, 2010).
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Roman Empire :: essays research papers
The Roman Empire The people were happy. This is the underlying cause of the astounding length of time and space that the Roman Empire occupied most of the known western land. Great rulers met their downfall when they put their own status in front of the well being of the people they govern. When the citizens are left high and dry and not regarded as important to their society then this is when there is an overthrow of power and a new ruler comes into play. Citizens had a place in politics, they have lots of entertainment, they had the best army in the world to protect them, and Rome was the place to live and would be that way for many years. Many leaders come and go but it is the great ones that we remember, the ones that make people enjoy life. The emperors that are not approved by the people are the ones that turn a new leaf of evil once they have a military victory. The thrill of so much power gives them the urge to be the best in the world. They move on and conquer other nations and forget about their own people. Julius Caesar cared about his people and wanted to be the "ruler for the people," rather than the "ruler of the people." When he gain power of Rome from the hands of Pompey there was no reign of terror, but a policy to restore economic and prosperity to Rome. This period of time in Rome is known today as the golden age of Roman literacy and development. The minds of the people are expanding. Another example of the Roman citizens' happiness and prosperity comes during the rule of Caesar's grandson Octavian, better known to history as Augustus. Once Augustus rises from the new triumvirate as the ruler of the empire, he introduces different types of social reform that appease the people and keep them on his side. Augustus is a classical man and wanted to bring back the ancient moral to the citizens. He reduced the size of the army and gave soldiers land and money. He imports food and gives it away to the people. Augustus transformed Rome from city of bricks to a city of marble by building temples and basilicas to represent his power as well as his love for the city that he takes care of.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Mr.. Lenitive You will write an essay, on one of the topics below. Your essay will Include at least three examples (quotations) from the play to support your thesis. Please follow PAP format guidelines: typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8. 5†³ x 1 1 with 1†³ margins on all sides. Please use Times New Roman font. All essays will be uploaded on turning. Com. Any essay not uploaded on this site will not be graded. Paper copies of your essay will be due on Monday, March 19.This essay will be worth 50 points. I know you all will do well. Get to writing scholars! Option #1 – Fate Many of the characters In Sophocles' plays seem to have a desire to break free from the control of the fate the gods have determined for them. Based on what you have read in Antigens, what is Sophocles trying to teach his audience about a humans ability to control his/her fate? In doing so, analyze how the characters behave as a result of knowing what their destinies will be.What are t he effects of discovering their destinies? Option #2 – Conscience vs.. Society Characters In the play must choose between following what society says is the right hint to do and following what they believe In their hearts to be the right thing to do. Often, choosing to follow the conscience Is the more difficult road to walk. In Antigens, Identify the difficult choices the characters make and analyze the effects that these choices have on the characters' lives.Option #3 – Tragic Hero Aristotle identifies the tragic hero as a character who falls from a lofty position because of a tragic flaw (hamster)–normally that flaw is pride (hubris). Identify the tragic hero in Antigens. Analyze the scenes in which the character displays pride and identify the effects that this pride has on the character's life. How could his/her life have been different If he/she had behaved In a less prideful manner?Introduction 110 Should include a hook, connector (including author and ti tle), and thesis statement Body 10 Should answer the prompt directly and completely with organized paragraphs Evidence 10 Specific quotes and paraphrases of events should be used as support to answer the prompt Conclusion 110 Restates what was proved and provides a final thought Follows Directions 15 Correct font, font size, etc. Grammar/Mechanics/Spelling 15 Total 50 Oedipus Realism and Naturalism (Literary Genres) Realism Is an attempt to reproduce faithfully the surface appearance of life, especially that of ordinary people In everyday situations. As a literary term, realism has two meanings: in general, realism refers to the representation of characters, events, and settings in ways that the spectator will consider plausible. The setting is common and the characters are consistent, recognizable types. What happens in the narrative should be the kind of thing that happens In real life.Historically, Realism (usually capitalized) refers to a movement In 19th century European and American literature and theatre that rejected the Idealism, elitism, and romanticism of earlier verse dramas and prose fiction in an attempt to represent life truthfully. Realist literature customarily focused on the middle class (and occasionally the working class) rather than the aristocracy, and it invoked social customs and economic detail to create an accurate description of ordinary human behavior. Naturalism Is a school of fiction and drama In which the characters are presented as rodents or victims of environment and heredity.Influenced by evolutionary theory, naturalism portrays human beings as natural creatures set apart from other animals only by virtue of their intelligence. Society is a veneer of civility under which simmer ruling urges of fear, lust, and acquisitiveness. No supernatural entities appear, and the world runs on an unforgiving natural law of cause and effect, the strong preying upon the weak. Plots move forward through the conflict of inner motive and outward circumstance, with characters thrown Into social and economic milieus that more or sees fall to meet their preemptively needs.Naturalism was formally developed by French novelist Mile Cola in the sass. In naturalism, events should be reproduced with sufficient exactness to demonstrate the strict laws of material causality. Important America Naturalists writing fiction include : Jack London, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Theodore Dresser. Theodore Dresser Sister Carrie An American Tragedy Charles Dickens Great Expectations Oliver Twist Gustavo Flutter George Kissing Stephen Crane Frank Norris Mile Cola A Sentimental Education New Grub StreetMaggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other stories (All of it) Macerate Nana As you read, concentrate on the manners in which your chosen authors employ the traits of Realism and Naturalism in their works. Annotation and marking of significant passages as they pertain to character/motivation/setting/symbolism/metaphor, etc, would be advised. Upon your return to school following summer break, you will be met with an Nicolas essay assignment based upon your reading/comprehension/facility with Realism and Naturalism as they pertain to the novels chosen for summer reading. Oedipus Every human being makes choices, but what leads us to make our choices? Some may believe that everything In life Is predetermined by God. Predestination is the belief that whatever will happen in your future is already fixed. However others may believe that everything is a matter of free will. Belief in Free will is the belief that your own choices lead you to your destiny. In Oedipus Rexes the idea of predestination is the most important theme of the play.The main Characters Oedipus,Coast and Alias all try to escape their destiny and take taters Into their own hands but do not escape from their fate. Oedipus speaks to the people of Thebes from his palace and tells them that there Is nothing he can't do to save his city. He asks for the person who committed the crime to come forward. â€Å"Only banishment will be his punishment†(Page 31). When no one comes forward, Oedipus calls the prophet Eateries in hope that he will disclose what he knows of the murder. The prophet is rel uctant to tell the King what he knows.Oedipus responds, â€Å"What? Something you know, and will not tell? You mean to fall us and to see your city perish? †(Page 35). Eateries Informs the King that It is better not to know. Oedipus will not take that as an answer so. He continues to threats the prophet until finally, Eateries says, â€Å"Then hear this: upon your head is the ban your lips have uttered – from this day forth never speak to me or any here. You are the cursed polluter of this land†(Page 35). Oedipus believes that he is playing a trick and rejects Eateries' testimony and begins to place the blame on Croon.Eateries replies, â€Å"Not Croon either. Your enemy Is yourself' (Page 36). Nevertheless, Oedipus has been doomed with fate and nothing he could have done would change his destiny. An example in the story that supports the idea of predestination is when Eateries identifies the murderer of Alias as Oedipus. Also Eateries foreshadows when saying, â€Å"A revelation that will fail to please. A blind man who has eyes now; a penniless man, who is rich now. â€Å". This prophecy is saying that in the future there will be a man that is blind and poor, opposite of what he is now. He Is talking about Oedipus.The plot of the story leads up to show also that when Oedipus tries to run away from his prophecy, he actually runs Into It. No matter what Oedipus does, he can't escape his fate. His actions don't alter the outcome of his fate; they just alter the way in which the predestination occurs. Oedipus, after discovering his dead mother and could no longer bear what he had done, he blinded himself. â€Å"Her dress was pinned with golden broaches, which the king snatched out and thrust, from full arm's length, into his eyes – eyes that should e no longer his shame, his guilt. (Page 61) The blind Oedipus demands Croon, now king of Thebes, to banish him from his city, as he had earlier demanded be Oedipus had no idea this woul d be directed to him. It therefore proves that no matter what you do, there is no way to change your destiny once the gods have decided it. Oedipus' fate was determined, not by him, but by an unknown force. He and his family understood this by the end of the play, with these words being said, â€Å"Chance rules our lives, and the future is unknown†(Page 52).It has been discussed how fate plays an important role in the lives and actions of King Oedipus. Evidence of predestined events can be found, beginning with the oracle's promise of the demise of Oedipus' father and the marrying of his mother, to Eateries' prediction of a blind and exiled man. All his life, try as he may to run away from his fate, Oedipus ended up running right into it. Oedipus realizes that, in the end, he could do nothing to change the course of the fateful events that made up his life.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The South And The North - 1512 Words
Throughout American history, the south and the north have consistently held different beliefs on how to handle some subjects. Whether it ranged from slavery, to taxing, or to business, southerners and northerners often seemed to be on opposite sides of the spectrum. It was not any different back in the 1800’s. Though intensely different, they were still part of the same country. One of the biggest issues that made the north and the south so distinct from one another was their view and perspective on slavery. The north, who was considered mostly republican, saw slavery as something that needed to be abolished for it was a great sin committed by mankind; while the south, who were mostly considered democrats, viewed it as a necessity for they considered African-Americans a race that needed to be controlled because they were less intelligent than the white man but very violent and because they were â€Å"built†for the hard labor. Over the 1800’s they had been a tens ion built between the two sides of the country. The tension rose to a boiling point when the 1860 election rolled around. After the elections occurred, a chain of events followed which would leave a lasting impact on the current United States. In the heart of these events was the civil war. To this day, it is very debatable that the war started because of the unsure future of slavery under new leadership. As the Union was acquiring more territories through the united states, southern states were getting more anxious aboutShow MoreRelatedThe South And North And South961 Words  | 4 Pagesearly 1800s, the South and the North were worlds apart from each other in various ways. The North and the South had altered economies, ideas, and attitudes toward slavery. The diverse economies in the North and South led to discrepancies among the regions about taxes on imported goods or tariffs. Furthermore the disagreements over slavery, tariffs, and other economic disputes amplified sectionalism, or the loyalty to one part of the country, in the North and the South. The North and South were ultimatelyRead MoreThe North And The South1676 Words  | 7 Pagesthe key to defeating the South was controlling southern territory as a means of denying Confederate armies badly needed supplies. To prevent this, Davis sought to keep Southern military assets concentrated to the largest extent possible. Thr eats to the South would be dealt with through the use of railroads to move troops to threatened areas. Davis understood the concept of interior lines and was a consummate practitioner of concentration in space. He also understood the North s vulnerability to defeatRead MoreThe North And The South1257 Words  | 6 PagesThe North and the South had a growing tension between them for many reasons, and the northern abolitionists encouraged a Civil War through their actions of protest. Abolitionists foresaw a Civil War because the growing tensions between the North and the South became apparent in political and social changes, slavery issues, and the growing occurrence of rebellions. Political and social changes occurred in many ways. One example of a social change includes The Second Great Awakening. As a result,Read MoreThe North And The South873 Words  | 4 PagesThe North and the South both had to make extreme adjustments in order to prepare themselves for an all-out internal war. Both sides of this conflict grew from the same place. It was severely differing opinions and ideologies that caused the bloodiest war in American history. Most people believe that the Civil war was fought over the slavery enterprise, and they are partially right. The civil war did in fact have ties to opposition and the attempted removal of slavery in the United States, but thatRead MoreNorth And South Essay1197 Words  | 5 PagesNorth and South As the north and south began to separate after the Era of Good Feelings (1815-1825), the Second American Party System was established. This system consisted of two distinct parties, the Democrats and their opponents, who were known as Whigs for the most part. The goal of these two parties was to create a common thought process between the north and the south. Three of the issues prominent in their campaigns to gather votes in these two regions were government, economy, and slaveryRead MoreWar : The North And South1150 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 20: Girding for War: The North and South (Pg. 377) What menacing circumstances greeted Lincoln upon his ascension into the White House? Menacing circumstances that greeted Lincoln upon his ascension into the White House was the disunity of seven departed states and eight on the edge. The Menace of Secession (Pg. 377) What potential future and present problems with a disunited America did Lincoln concentrate on in his first inaugural address? Lincoln s goal throughout his presidencyRead MoreThe Difference of North and South869 Words  | 3 Pagesthough the North and the South origins were both from Europe, their customs and living habits were different. The North and the South began to notice these differences as they broke away from Britain in the Revolutionary War. The North and South emerged into two different regions, due to their various differences. These differences included the geography, the economy, the social and classification status, and transportation. One of the most striking differences between the North and the South was theRead MoreThe Between North And South1641 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States was rapidly changing. The country was learning to live on its own, apart from England with its own economy, laws, and government. Not long after it declared independence that a rift between North and South began to start. The North believed in the Puritan Merchant role model, and the South in the role model of the English Country Squire. The difference in point of views soon caused the United States to start to split apart before eventually completely separating and resulting in one theRead MoreThe North And South War1272 Words  | 6 PagesApril 1861 ~ April 1865, the United States between the North and South war. Also known as the American Civil War. North led the war of the bourgeoisie. In the South, insist that the war is only plantation slave-owners, their war aim is to extend slavery throughout the country, while the Nor th beat the South aimed at the bourgeoisie in order to restore national unity. Mid-19th century, the northern and southern free labor system of slavery, the contradictions between the developed to the pointRead MoreNorth and South on Slavery1040 Words  | 4 PagesThe North and South have very different views on slavery. This has lead to lots of tension and fighting. When people were first settling here they had slaves. It has been going on for almost 100 years. Starting around the Revolutionary war the North became opposed to slavery. They had less use for them as time went on. The South, on the other hand, felt they needed slavery. They had to harvest tobacco and cotton as fast as possible. They knew they couldn’t do it themselves so they bought lots of
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