Thursday, May 7, 2020
What is Supply Chain Management Essay - 1492 Words
Introduction: With the advent of globalization and continuous evolution in technology in the last 4 decades, the whole structure of organizations have evolved. Globalization has led to the downfall, of once successful, companies which were stagnant while led to exponential growth of continuously evolving companies. Supply chain, which was once considered a small part of operations, has now become one of the most important departments. â€Å"The term Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities.†as quoted by the council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.[1] In current competitive environment, to attain utmost†¦show more content†¦Though large corporations have successfully employed RFID in their supply chain, smaller suppliers are still reluctant in employing it due to the cost factor. This report focuses on benefits and challenges in use of RFID in supply chain management and its future prospects. RFID Technology: Identifying any object using radio frequency is termed as RFID. The major advantage of RFID over barcodes is that using RFID items can be scanned even if they are not in line of sight and that too without manual support. [4] RFID network consists of three major components: RFID tag or transponder, Antenna or receiver and reader. †¢ RFID Tag or transponder: A RFID tag or a transponder is a small microchip attached to the product to be tracked. The information about the product such as the manufacturing date, price, and expiry date is stored on this chip. When a field is generated by the receiver or antenna the transponder sends the information to the antenna which is attached to the reader or the middleware. Varied types of tags are available, in different cost levels, these days which can perform specific functions. Majorly tags are classified as active and passive tags. Active tags are powered by batter while the passive tags work using the energy of reader. †¢ Antenna: An antenna or a receiver is a device attached toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Supply Chain Management? Essay2257 Words  | 10 Pagestheir environmental foot-print. It’s because of this push from consumers about making products sustainable and he companies have had to implement their sustainable and green supply chain management (GSCM). These GSCM’s are designed to take on old supply chain management systems by reducing the environmental costs of the supply chain. However there is no one industry normal way of doing this and there are many different reasoning’s as to why a company would want to have a GSCM system. In the literatureRead MoreWhat ´s Supply Chain Management?555 Words  | 2 PagesSupply chain management involves planning and coordinating the activities of organizations across the supply chain. 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